According to a recent survey by JobFox, recruiters aren't too keen on Gen X or Yers. Only 20 percent said they were "generally great performers" as compared to 63 percent who said baby boomers (age 43-62) were great performers.
It gets worse. According to press materials, Gen Y (people under age 28) was also classified as 'generally poor performers' by the largest number of recruiters polled. Thirty percent of recruiters classified them as poor performers, followed only by 22 percent of recruiters who classified seniors as poor performers..
Double ouch.
But JobFox's CEO Rob McGovern thinks that managers and recruiters are missing the boat. Managers, he says, must "learn new ways to incorporate Gen X and Y views into the workforce."
OK, I agree. Managers and recruiters always need to be looking at how they can use an individual's strengths to help a company and boost the bottom line.
But I think it's more than that. I think both Gen X and Yers need to be better at their own personal p.r.. I think that if they wait around to get the respect they believe they deserve, they may find themselves waiting a long time. Because whether they deserve the slacker reputation or not, the problem is that it exists.
Believe it or not, however, you are being handed a golden opportunity to turn things around as the economy takes a nosedive. How? Let us count the ways:
1. Staying sane. Gen X and Y have lived a life of upheaval. They've grown up with AIDS, 9/11 and Britney not wearing any panties, so they don't get rattled easily. Right now the older folks in the workplace are pretty well freaking and stressing about everything from how to make their house payment to watching their 401(k) tank. If today's new workers demonstrate that -- while they understand the seriousness of the issues right now -- they are still upbeat and positive about life, it could have an enormous impact. Inspiring others to keep it all in perspective can demonstrate real leadership, and that's just the kind of reputation they need to develop.
2. Save others time. No one is more crazed these days that workers trying to balance the demands of their private and professional lives. But GenYers have grown up juggling, and have found technology enhances their lives. Young workers are in a great position to help other workers find ways to use technology to make their lives better. There's no way that anyone would be called a slacker for helping give someone more time with their kids or do their job better. Just be careful: You don't want your help to come off as smug or arrogant. Read Chris Brogan's post to make sure you do it right.
3. Provide the global view. The world has been delivered to GenY through television and computers since they were old enough to use a sippy cup. They have friends working in Darfur, they listen to bands from Japan and think nothing of IMing contacts in Istanbul or India. If they can keep their workplace informed on how events in Cambodia or Russia or Brazil may be impacting their business and bottom line, it could be enormously valuable. And let's face it -- those that contribute to the bottom line are seen as valuable -- and top performers.
While there are plenty of people telling managers that they need to treat GenYers better and learn to appreciate them, I think that GenYers may have to do some of the heavy lifting. They shouldn't wait around for someone to discover their strengths -- they should find subtle, but very meaningful ways to change perceptions that will have a real impact on their career success.
What are some other ways young workers can improve their image?