So I've been collecting some important new words that I think are relevant to our brave new world, and it occurs to me that sometimes I may use these words as if you know what I'm talking about. So with thanks to Seth Godin and a few others, over the course of the next few months, I will share 26 of my favorite new words that in these new times maybe you need to adopt for yourself:
A is for Artist: Our world needs more artists. But to me, an artist is not defined as someone who just paints or writes, but a person who brings humanity to a problem, who changes someone else for the better, who does work that can't be written down in a manual or textbook. Art is about bringing creativity and insight to work, instead of choosing to be someone who just regurgitates what you've been forced to learn. Learn how to be an artist!
B is for Bootstrapper: A bootstrapper is someone who starts a business with no money and funds growth through growth. The internet has made bootstrapping much easier than ever, because the costs of creating and marketing remarkable things are cheaper than ever. It's really important not to act like you're well-funded if you're intent on bootstrapping (and vice versa). You can read the Bootstrapper's Bible for free.
C is for Choice: I didn't coin the term the Long Tail, but I wish I had. It describes a simple law: given a choice, people will choose. For business that means that digital commerce enables niches, and presents an opportunity to offer choice. Offering lots of choices--aggregating and enabling the long tail--accounts for the success of eBay, iTunes, Amazon, Craigslist, Google and even match.com.
D is for Darwin: Things evolve. But evolution is, well, evolving. While it used to take a hundred thousand years for significant changes to happen to our physical culture, the nature of information and a connected society means that 'everything' might change in just a few months. Ideas that spread will win--and people and companies that can "go Darwin" learn from their mistakes and will lead the rest of us.
E is for Edgecraft: Brainstorming doesn't always work so well, because most people are bad at it. They're bad at it because their lizard brains take over moments before a big idea is uttered. "Oh no!" it says, "I better not say that because if I do, it might be a BAD idea and then I'll have to defend it." And so brainstorming quickly becomes clever stalling and timewasting. Far better is to practice "edgecraft." Someone announces a new direction for a business ("we'll be really convenient, we'll offer our menu by fax,") and then the next person goes closer to that edge, topping it, ("we'll offer it by email!") and so on, each topping the other in any particular direction.
More in September...
D is for Darwin - The internet has certainly sped up the rate of business evolution. Consumers-myself included, enjoy and feel the immediate impacts of this new rate of evolution.
Yet, at the same time this quick rate of evolution introduces new problems. In nature, competitors who don't survive eventually die and decompose. Take, for example, the modern electronics that constantly see 'improvement.' Tons of products that are still useful head to the landfills every year - and the rate increases because of this fast-paced evolution. Not everything can automatically re-integrate itself back into a useful and safe form. a fast evolution may be best for the natural world, but for one encased in concrete and consumerism - it may not bode as well
Either way, only time will tell
- Cheers -
A is for Artist and D is for Darwin: I agree that artist is not just a person who sings, acts in a movie, or draws pictures. Artist is a person who uses his gift as an artist and his imagination to bring something new and something special to this crazy world. Everybody can call himself as an artist but not every artist is a real artist. According to Darwin, things evolve and in some degree things evolve because of artist's creativity. Creativity makes new things from old ones and this is evolution:-)))
I absolutely cannot agree more with your definition of an artist. I think the key word here is "creativity". Creativity certainly is not just limited to painting or writing. Creativity can be expressed in pretty much anything. The more efforts we put into being creative, the more our work will standout and that is what is going to define how successful we can be.
A is for Artist and E is for Edgecraft are the most innovative attributes out there in my opinion. For most people, I do agree with you, they assume "artist" equates paintings and sculptures but its the "out of the box" thinking that really makes one an artist. In the business world this artisitic attribute is necessary and pertinent. Being able to creatively redirect a problem into an effective solution can only be produced with inventive thought. For our most common proceders there was that one ingenious fellow or madame whose unconventional thought process turned an idea into a traditon. This is why being a radical "artist" and having an "edgecraft" brainstorm are such important traits. With each artist, another person can bounce better and better ideas off of them. With being an artist there are no reservations in brainstorming and this endless possibility will generate enormous achievement.
While reading through this post there i found a couple of interesting points dealing with the opportunities provided through the internet specifically B is for BootStapper and C is for Choice. When reading B the first thing that came to mind was Facebook. I don't know if you've seen the movie the social network but in the film Mark Zuckerberg the creator of facebook is shown to start the company with alot of knowledge but without much money, and the internet provided its growth. It seems crazy that a company this wealthy was started with basically nothing. As for companies such as E-Bay i tunes and amazon their success comes from providing people with many choices and great deals. People get to shop from the comfort of their home and save money while doing it, its no wonder their successful.
I am intrigued by the "Long Tail" concept. Thanks to the internet and online marketplaces we consumers now can choose from an almost infinite amount of products and services online. The long tail allows products and services to exist pretty much indefinitely in their marketplaces. No longer do business have to pay high rents from being lets say located in malls. Firms' marketing straegies that were implemented pre-internet were required to focus on products that were popular "blockbusters" in order to combat the cost associated with selling those products and services. Today with lower costs, firms' can now profit off products produced for an sold in niche markets. For example, in order for an artist's CD to be produced it had to be expeceted to reach a number of sales in order to be produced. Now, with lower costs, that artist's music can be sold online at low cost for an indefinite amount of time. The question I have though: Does consumer power increase because of more choices, or does supplier power increase because of bigger markets?
"A is for Artist..." I agree with you on that Pro K. In this world we need innovation in many ways. Those who are diverse and think out of the box will bring the freshest ideas. During a small time of my everyday life I draw my life plan out to remind myself that I need to strive to be greater. I say to myself how will I do something before I go to sleep to feel I have made a step closer to reaching greatness. With my paintbrush and the magic of the brain I will continue to draw paths I shall take until I become fully satisfied. Will I ever be satisfied? "H is for Hunger..."
The “Artist” is an asset to any successful company or business. Without these people who are able to think outside the box and are comfortable straying from the norm, there would be no change and consequently no improvement. It is safe to say that the “Artists” within the business are the ones being talked about in a good way.
The idea of the Bootstrapper relates to a book that I am reading now called “The Secret”. We should imagine ourselves as already having the things we want because we will naturally attract those things to ourselves with the constant thought. “What you think about is what you bring about”, be positive! Where there is a will there is a way and one can achieve what they want even if they don’t have a trust fund these days.
There never ending choices in modern society and it is making the competitive market ever more competitive. We are constantly evolving and it is happening fast, companies have to stay on top of their ideas and constantly offer new and improved options in order to stay in the game. Life is all about choices.
Edgecraft is what we used in the Jell-O activity and I was astonished to see how much we were able to come up with because we didn’t limit the creative process. Some of the best ideas are the ones that appear farfetched or “crazy,” but it is that way of thinking that will lead to success.
I really like the way you defined an "artist". At the same time, your definition sounds quite similar to the characteristics of a leader. I also agree that our world needs more artists. In these ever-changing times, we need people who are not only creative, but also people who can think out of the box (conceptual). I think that this doesn't only apply at work, but it can also be applied in everyday life and personal relationships.
I wish I knew that we had to post comments on your blog, because I have been reading them and didn't know it was required.(must have missed that the first day of class) However, now I am happy that I get to share my opinion with you about your blog entries. Your take is true that Artists, or could we called them Innovators?, are people that are necessary for our growing interest in "what the next new thing is". Everything that is successful in today's world is marked by these artists. Such businesses can be Face-book, Google, Amazon, eBay, all these ideas are from artists who created these artistic ways for people to interact on levels that were never imagined before. We can also correlate these ideas to Darwin, things evolve and so are we! Buy a new thing today, and tomorrow it is old! It is important that we stay with the fast changing times of the world, take each new day as a learning experience and evolve off these newly founded learning experiences. Thanks again!
C is for Choice: We make different choice of our life. Most of the time, people would like to choice good and quality things for themselves. When choosing between options one must make judgments about the quality of each option's attributes, For example, when we choose the job. We need to think about the salary and benefit, and the challenge on the job. Those things will stay between choice or not choice.
I personally like A for artist, C for choice, and E for edgecraft the most (ACE =D). I think that everyone has some sort of an artist in them. It's important for people to be creative, because some problems or situations can't be dealt properly or successfully by routine solutions. People should think outside the box so they can find more and better options.
Everyone makes choices everyday, and I think it's important to really think those choices through before making a decision that can affect many, such as your employees. If a choice chosen doesn't exactly work out the way we planned, we should learn from our mistakes, which will teach us to make better choices in the future, It's all about experience.
Practicing edgecraft sounds like a very clever and efficient idea. Ideas can thrown out without any fear of sounding stupid or being put down, and others can add on to or modify those ideas, one after the other. It's kind of like the game jenga. You keep taking out and then replacing the blocks to an original structure, sort of like decision making (except we should really try to avoid the crumbling down at the very end part).
We constantly evolve and reinvent ourselves. D is for Darwin. We change, we age, our surroundings change, career, preferences..you get the idea. Companies have to change as well (not every aspect of business), they have to adopt new ideas and currents.
Professor, in your slides you pointed out that in Brainstorming, there should be no judgement and there are no bad ideas. The fact that people miss out this important point takes brain out of storming. Edgecraft makes sense, yet I would hope that same openness should apply to that process as well.
I agree that the term "artist" can generate a variety of meaning. I personally view an artist as someone who is passionate and creative of his/her own craft. Being an artist doesn't limit you of becoming a painter or a writer but instead it is your interest and devotion to that something that will make you go the extra mile and become imaginative. I think I slightly identify to be a D or a Darwin because I assess the environment and situation first then I adapt myself to it. Also, being able to learn from other peoples mistakes makes us move forward instead of taking a few steps back. I really like C for Choice because having the different options and offering different choices is essential especially in these modern times. There are a lot of new things and products out in the market and having options is a powerful tool for consumers. For example, in choosing a television there are different companies and types of tvs we can get in the market. That empowers the consumer compared to a product that has limited choices and is only offering a limited amount of products. Variety is good.
Yes artist does bring humanity to a problem, if that's what you mean. A couple of my friends major in art, sounds fancy, however to them is an excuse to smoke p*t so they can create more images and generate more ideas. When i first heard about it i was like what? Then later i realized a lot of artists do actually do drugs to help them to get to where they are. My favorite line "if you give them a choice, people will choose". Darn right, there is always choice in life.
People tend to be very restricted when it comes to creativity. If we didn’t follow a set way of doing things, we would be more innovative about how we solve problems and coming with new ideas. This brings me to my next point. It is indeed easy to start a business online; the hardest part is having a good idea. This is why it’s important to be creative in how you do things, solve problems, and come up with new ideas.
People have more choices than they realize. Furthermore, the better we do things and the harder we work, the more choices we have as individuals. For instance, the better you do in your undergrad GPA, the more choices you will have when you apply to Grad school. That’s why it’s not just going to school and getting a degree that is important, because it doesn’t matter as much whether or not you finished, but how well did you do in accomplishing that goal. Even when you are done with school, learning doesn’t end there. Just because you have a paper that says you have a degree, things are always changing and society is evolving Therefore you must educate yourself and and keep up with those changes.
Reading "E is for Edgecraft", I recalled the time when we had to generate new ideas for a jello product. You have told us to go into a freestyle sense of brainstorming and generate any idea that comes to mind, and yet I've noticed that a lot of people went into a direct withdrawal thinking their ideas were not good. The ideology of generating a new idea and pushing it closer to the edge sounds like it would consume less time and be more effective. It goes hand to hand with you "D is for Darwin" because even idea generating has to evolve.
Hope to read more of your material soon.
Great stuff. As I was reading this I noticed the first two stuck out to me. A and B. Artist and BootStrapper. I have always though to myself, why are people like robots? They get sucked into this position that was them repeating the same exact patter day in and out. You change something, and they get stuck or take some time to get adjusted. I like positions that have breathing room, let the workers be artistic. Thats where you will get something new.
Second, I always wondered what was it called when you start a business without investing any money into it. BootStrappers, I can see myself being one. I have some crazy ideas sometimes that if I took some time to polish them up, I can get something out of it. Great stuff Prof K.
"A" for artist and “D” for Darwin are the two words that caught my attention. In reading the two definitions, I realize that these two words are somewhat related. In this permanent changing world people really need to be “artist”. I think that creativity and innovation are the key points. I think that if people were not innovative and creative, our world would not have changed. So, one of the reason why our world is changing so fast is because people are being artist. They come up with new ideas and those ideas become “internet”, “ipads”, “iphones”, tools that revolutionize the way people interact, do business and keep the world on the go.In other words, being creative and innovative, being an artist makes the world change, evolve.
-A is for Artist- When many people think of an artist they think of people who excel at drawing, painting, or even writing. What many people do not know is that an artist is not limited to these things. People who think outside the box are artists, people who come up with unique and differentiated ideas, people who can change society, people who think of something that many cannot even fathom.
-D is for Darwin- We are in a society that is constantly changing and things are evolving. I agree that people or businesses have ideas will win. I also believe that in an ever changing society, it is essential to be proactive rather then reactive. By being proactive, we can anticipate what problems can potentially occur and fix them before they happen. Businesses that can be proactive, I believe, will succeed more then a company who sits back and lets the problem have a major impact.
“A is for Artist. I do agree that our world needs more artists…true artists! A true artist will always put his passion for the music or painting or writing, the will of sharing it and to satisfy his audience before the material aspect of it. A true artist definitely manages to generate a genuine enthusiasm among his audience. A real artist, a plain artist is a person who makes music/paints/writes for the love of it, not for the money only, even if he is perfectly conscious that he has a family to feed. A true artist must be inspirational to his audience. Whatever his message is, people must be able to feel the music, to understand what he wants to say through his painting or writing and to acknowledge the feelings expressed through the voice, lyrics, instrumentals, pen or paint.”
The two letters that resonate most with me are A is for Artist and E is for Edgecraft. When I think about artist and creativity, its easy to apply it to business situations. Sure there are a lot of yes men and woman out there who wont disagree with anything but the best way for businesses to grow is for people to go outside the box and finds different and unique ways to solve questions. With Edgecraft, I keep thinking that some of the best ideas are those that are a little out of the edge. Its true that brainstorming is not effective because people are afraid of rejection and of being ridiculed. Its a double edge sword because one person can come up with a great idea but wont say it and then that idea turns out to have been a good idea afterall. For every project we did in class, the winning idea or best idea came from people who were not afraid to be wrong and from those who modified other peoples ideas to make it better.
I think brainstorming demand the same requirment from an organization as innovation. First we have to encourage people to offer "crazy" ideas in order to "edgecraft" them. If organizations removes the boundaries for innovation and brainstorming only than we need the "edgecrafter"
I like bootstrapping and artists as my two favorites because the both show passion. The initial reaction is that its something I'm doing for myself and not for anyone else. Not for the money but for the satisfaction, and no there are not enough artists in the world.
I like the definition of a ‘Bootstrapper’. They have to work hard to be able to pay their business expenses themselves to not owe anybody money. It sounds really challenging and I can only imagine how many hours they have to work daily. I bow down to their determination and fearlessness.
D is for Darwin - I totally agree with this, I think it would be hard to dispute that we are in an ever evolving time. And information travels faster than the blink of an eye, especially since everyone has such easy access to information, the people who can keep up or capitalize first on this will lead the pack and there will be the ones who try and catch up but it will already be too late. It truly is survival of the fittest in the cyber world.
E is for Edgecraft - I love this idea, it is a really good alternative to brainstorming. In brainstorming people are often too negative and are always pointing out what is wrong with an idea and what won't work, rather than trying to work with the good parts of the idea. With Edgecraft it will kind of work with people's competitive nature and people will want to try and "one-up" people and this will lead to an even better idea.
Also, a side-note, it's a funny coincidence that you mention Seth Godin in your post, and I have just started reading his book "Small is the New Big".
"My A to Z guide to today's best "success words
Edgecraft…………..is living on the edge safe? In this instance it definitely is safe to live on the platform edge (MTA add). It spells out who are successful from time to time. In the day and age we live in businesses pay most attention to consumers years ago this was totally different at one time it was mass production but as time has evolved we have come to recognize that the demand side of the equation brings greater rewards. We as consumers benefit from companies trying to outdo one another to gain market share, isn’t that something inordinate. Having said this companies go all out to satisfy consumers, majority of the time this means adding value which may take the form of making a product and service as convenient as possible drive up ATMS, Shopping online, virtual classrooms. Wow I had hard time thinking about those previous examples, because these conveniences are second nature to me, its like breathing in air. I take them for granted but do we stop and realized how simplified these services have made our lives.
Darwin: Side effects of Darwinism
• Loss of face-to-face time because of adaptable features like smart phones, social networking via the internet. We have lost so much traditional dynamics of personal interactions.
• Pollution: with the rate of invention and technology things become obsolete with the blink of an eye. What do we do with these obsolete products they fill our landfills. Soon we will be shooting our waste into space if we’re not already doing this.
• Loss of Knowledge: at the tips of our hands or at the click of a mouse information is at our disposal. The J Just Desserts come into play here, because the information is so assessable we fail to put in the hard work to get information we take the easier route the short cuts and at the end we cheat ourselves because our benchmarks (Y Cohort) is set way lower than earlier Cohorts (Baby Boomers). One thing for sure we can quickly get any information anytime but we do not possess the knowledge within us.
I agree the world needs more artists. It is often considered a word that can slander someone as an outsider, disorganized, and unreliable. Yet, only an artist can take the time to really look at the work at hand, and create something that no one else saw. This is applicable in any field and any situation. Perhaps if more people saw themselves as Artist they would have more invested interest in their jobs and task.
A is for Artist. I agree that an Artist is not just someone who paints or sings or does something alike. It is someone who can bring remarkable changes to this world full of problems. We just need to think about the smallest thing we can create to bring changes to this world to be an artist. we need to stop to be just followers. This world really need us. Everyone has something unique that can make a positive change to our life once bring into action. Let be an Artist.
The term that caught my attention the most was Edgecraft because lots of people, including myself, have that lizard brain telling them not to share their ideas. People should not fear being ridiculed or put down for their ideas but most people do feel this way and hold back their ideas and it would probably turn out to be the “next big thing” in the companies industry. Practicing “edgecraft” is definitely a more efficient way of coming up with innovative ways to expand a business. In a way everyone is helping each other out by improving their ideas.
I agree that brainstorming sometimes does not work well. During the jello activity, I could see that my group and I were having trouble thinking of innovative jello items. Sometimes I would hold back my ideas because it just seemed too far-fetched. But then, we started practicing "edgecraft". When someone mentioned that we could make a jello flavored beauty product, we built on that and thought of other beauty products that could be infused with jello flavors. We then thought of jello health products, like kid's vitamins.
It is interesting to read about these new words and your interpretation of some already-existing words. Artists are definitely needed in this world! Where would we be without creativity? I like being creative and artistic. Expressing ourselves in creative ways can be very helpful in many careers and in our everyday life. I like that you say that an artist is someone who changes someone else for the better! That's a great new way of defining the word!
Bootstrapping sounds like a really interesting idea! I actually looked through and printed out the "Bootstrapper's Bible" weeks ago, after reading about it on your blog. I haven't read the whole thing yet, but it seems to be an interesting idea. I'll be learning more about it.
I agree that sometimes people might not share some ideas during brainstorming due to thinking it might be a bad idea. Some people might be worried what other's think in this situation, and end up avoiding bringing up an idea that might have turned into something great, or even fueled other ideas. We should all try to stay open-minded and accepting in these situations. Ideas should be presented, even if it doesn't quite make perfect sense at first. It could be developed further and new ideas could be born. During brainstorming, many of the presented ideas might not even be executed, but at least we get creative and think more about possibilities and come up with various creative ideas. Edgecraft is a word that I haven't heard before. Sounds like an interesting way of bringing ideas to the table and developing them further!
I think I am a bootstrapper.
Now, thanks to you, I know how you call people like me. I love creating something out of nothing, and if I can make some money on the side, then why not?! The first idea I had is selling cakes. I love to bake, and my husband hates deserts, so I used to bake for me only. Then I though, why not sell the cakes I make (and don't eat)?!so I did that and still do and its getting better. As of today, I bake(in my small kitchen)and sell to 7 different coffee shops my gourmet pastries. and I actually enjoy doing that.
I completely agree with you that art doesn't involve just painting. The real "artists" are the ones that paint a beautiful picture in their daily lives for other's to enjoy, bringing character to life and not only making it a better place for themselves to live in but for others as well. I love your idea of "bootstrapping," making something out of nothing and increasing your cost to benefit ratio. Sort of running a call option on a stock, a huge potential for profit if played correctly. Choices are what make life interesting and I completely agree for the same when it comes to business. Like you said, the internet has opened a new dimension of options for individuals that were never available prior. If there was only one way to go about doing things, that resource would eventually hit its point of maximization and fall drastically afterwards. Evolution is inevitable and that is a good thing. I can't think of how much has changed in the last hundred years in daily human life when compared to the beginning of time. Like you said, change is going to be coming even quicker now and for the better with advancements is technology and medicine. The whole idea of edge crafting is similar to competition breeding success and trying to do better than the next person topping there idea, that is exactly why I like it.
A is for Artist. I was never a great artist in the classical sense of the word - either a painter or writer. It seems like I'm just not creative in those ways. But the other ways to become artistic such as bringing humanity to a problem, and someone who changes someone else for the better, are far more important in my eyes. As long as people are willing to be creative and take risks, life will be that much more interesting.
So while reading this blog entry, I was really interested in all the things, but one of them really caught my attention. It was B for bootstrapper. The reason it caught my attention was because I am currently in the process of possibly opening up a small business, and the plan to grow and expand was to use the funds that we get from the first establishment. I had no idea that there was a word for that, and the first thing I did before even posting on this blog was forward the B is for Bootstrapper part to my business partner.
The Edgecraft was also very very interesting. I say that because at my old job all we did was brainstorm and it did turn into a stalling battle. I shall call them and tell them about this new idea that my professor mentioned.
I’m very much looking forward to these “success words”. Of this first group of letters, I find that the most appealing word for me is “artist”. Before reading this post, I had a very similar take on who an “artist” was. I very much agree with you when you say that an artist is not just someone who takes in information and regurgitates it back out; an artist is someone who takes that information and brings more to it. I think that this applies to a student learning in school. When you learn something, not only should u be able to regurgitate the information you learned, but you should also be able to explain it in your own words or paint it in your own way.
I think the artist concept can really apply to anything we do really. Each individual has his/her own way of doing certain things. Not everyone dances the same way, sings the same way, writes the same way—the list can go on and on. We each do some things our own way and “our own way” can be looked at as an artist’s way. It’s up to us to embrace our “own way” and continue to “paint” in all aspects of our life.
D - Desperation for Discoveries. We all actually desperately want to be heard and noticed. And each one of us has something to say. But are we listened to? And are we heard no matter how loud we are? Only desperate ones not afraid to go until the very end. And only desperate ones have a drive, they are hungry, hungry for discoveries. Similarly to Darvin, Tomas Edison discovered 1000 ways that do not result into electricity. But his persistence finally lead to the discovery of a light bulb. D - for Diving into your inner selves, understanding your Drive and be Demanding in the search of Discoveries.
wow while i was reading your darwin deffinition i thought of 1984. espscialy when you said that everything can change in a few minites becsue of the rapid excange of information via cyber space. seriously i had a flash back to when i was reading the novel and during hate week the enemy changed and it as all as if the other aspect of history never exsted.
now i know that was totally downer and you probobly meant it in a very positive way but im just saying that with good comes bad.
The words you chose to write here are very centered around one key idea; Innovation.
I agree that people should be Bootstrappers and try to start something new and grow it.
Edgecraft as well, building ideas off of one another.
These are great thoughts for the workplace.
Professor, I completely agree with what you said about "A is for artists." I can't stand it when the word artist is only used to describe a painter or something. To me, an artist is anyone who can make something out of nothing..be it a painting, a song, or even a manager who creates the perfect team for a project. If you can create something you believe in, regardless of its support or popularity, you're an artist.
All it takes to be spontaneous and flexible. I never plan things too far ahead, because they always turn out opposite or never even happen. Spontaneity itself requires knowledge and experience. The more we have an experience and knowledge of the situation the more we are ready to be creative and unpredictable, and most of the time ending up choosing the right decision at the right moment, that is "edgecrafting". Just like D for Darwin, we evolve, learn from our mistakes, become more intelligent and more informed. Our future generation will be much more smarter than us, having all the resources and abilities to evolve into super humans. I can imagine how the futuristic movies created by human mind, can become a reality.
I agree with the A for Artist. Paiting, performing or designning is not enough. I think a successful Artist who create the work can make others feel good. Those creativities bring people more information, more believes. We need to be more creative in our lives.
Very creative way of thinking about words that we already know, putting different twist into it.
First association i have when i hear Artis is someone who paints.Never really though of the word itself. Really like the way you describe it. Basically artist is someone who thinks out of the box, creative persona,
My favorite is A for Artist. I think people make that category too narrow. I think that writing- not necessarily just poems and fiction- is art. I think reading a particularly insightful review of a Marc Jacobs Fall/Winter collection is art. I think what is in the Wall Street Journal is art. I think that using words beautifully while remaining efficient in message and persuasive in content is a rare art form that is under appreciated.
A is for artist is the most interesting because I have not thought about being an artist as someone who can change someone for the better. This is something that everyone can not do so this artist would have to be a special one. This is something that cannot be put into words and that makes it more special and unique to posses this attribute of an artist. People by pass the fact that others teach them morals and a new way of seeing the world and do not give them credit or a title for it. Everyone should be an artist to a certain degree.
One of my goals is to become a fashion designer to start creating new designs and improve what already exist. D is for Darwin means that evolving ideas are always appearing and these could help us to create new ideas. It also means that significant changes will help companies to be innovative.
E is for Edge craft in my case I am bad brainstorming and I am afraid on saying something because it may be wrong. This class has thought me that by putting all my ideas together I will see that there is always a great idea between them. Professor your creativity inspired me to start motivating myself and apply your words of success as much as possible.
i agree with A is for artist. the business world is filled with so much technical and strict straightforward things. business doesnt seem like it could be from a textbook, so why learn from one? it feels like your creative approach to teaching provides students with this "artist" aspect to business, and learns for us to be creative. especially the last assignment, a poem about management.
C is for Choice:
Very true, but wouldn't there be a need for specializations and niches should the world grow complex and have every choice include multiple choice. Sometimes simplicity wins. essentially that is what sites such as ebay and amazon provides us. The one easy choice to our needs. Google is also another great example. Intead of loading the homepage with suggestions from sponsors or ads, they have instead left the page plain. Myspace is also another example. People were given so much choice as to what they want to do with their pages that most ended looking as confusing as actual websites.
Simplicity is perhaps a better way to define the choices given because not all choices are better.
Darwinism is always true in business world. survive and change or die out. Technology really replaces many tradition activities and culture. May be someday, no one needs to walk outside of the house and finish all kinds of transaction at home.
A is for artists is my favorite here. The new definition you provided is very true. We can all be artists by developing change not just knowing how to draw or paint. Change for the better is always needed especially in the world we are in today. It is much needed for everyone to develop their "artistic" sides.
Even though you wrote this post before our class began, I felt an urge to being with the letter A. Seems more organized and sensible that way, at least to me!
I like your theory on Artist's. I went to LAG, the school for the performing arts for four years before coming to Baruch, and noticed so many differences. Here, there are so many people that all have the same goal. Nearly everyone is here to major is Finance or Accounting. Nobody decides its a good idea to shave half their head. Nobody would ever wear the same thing two days in a row. At my old school, these things didn't matter. Everyone had their own ideas, goals, dreams, and clearly-an odd sense of style. I was a Ballet dancer, so we were probably the most boring and closed minded, well thats the stereotype for the bun heads! But I think it's important to be different. People remember you when you're different. Being remembered is something that I believe will definitely help you to get somewhere! (As long as you're not being remembered for something really really negative =] )
In order for people to be able to bring their Artistic abilities into the work space our perspective about the concept has to change. People think of being creative and/or artistic as something that has to do with some kind of art environment, when in reality it can be manifested through an unique approach to simple problem solving. As for brainstorming i have a formula Freedom of thought x imagination : resources + appropriateness = productive brain work.
I also like words, they're symbols that help communicate messages between a large number of people.
E is for Edgecraft: This one will probably be stuck in my head for a while. Edgecraft is what you were trying to encourage us to do with the Jello activity.However, we were really focused on the time constraint and just wanted to get as many ideas as possible, and instead of building upon ideas, we just branched out into as many different areas as we could cover. It would have been very interesting if all the groups applied edgecraft to that activity.
A is for Artist: Of course it is important for everyone to be creative. I think that all great leaders can be considered artists. However, I also think that managers don't have to be artists, at least not all the time. When being creative, and trying to cause some sort of change, it involves at least some level of risk. When doing work that can't be written down in a manual, then some people might not understand your work.
-David Ng
Evolution is funny. I see how that more than half of what we learn will probably be obsolete by the time I graduate. Those who find it hard to change with the times fall behind. I would like to see some more evolution in the way our system works...
To be an artist is very hard for many people. Art is usually judged and for this reason many people stay away from expressing themselves either through their work or other forms of art. I agree with what you said but it can be easily seen how people rather just regurgitate what was given to them. Imagining putting your heart and soul into a project to get it rejected or to have changed. that can be devasting.
I agree with A is for artist. In today's world, it seems to me that humanity is lacking in many parts of society. However, instead of putting down people for regurgitating what they're forced to learn, give them something worth their time.
A is absolutely for the Artist. I do agree that an artist is not only for paints or writes but a person who can make the society more beautiful. I want to learn how to be an genuine artist too so I can make our world more beautiful.
I learned the word “Bootstrapper” from you in business term. but I guess need to be more creative than before since it became a lot easier for people to join in and out easily.
I personally don’t believe that people’s mind set change much over the time as we see the history repeat itself. Did I understand well on your Darwin theory?
A for Artist as you described is not only for those who are artist but also for those who are a person who uses his talent as an artist and his thinking power to bring something new to the world, more creative and unique ideas.C for choice is what we learn from our life, everytime we are obliged to make a decision and make a choice of our own.
A for Artist as you described is not only for those who are artist but also for those who are a person who uses his talent as an artist and his thinking power to bring something new to the world, more creative and unique ideas.C for choice is what we learn from our life, everytime we are obliged to make a decision and make a choice of our own.
Choice is making a decision of some kind. Vanilla or chocolate? I choose chocolate. By why did we choose chocolate? If I chose chocolate “because I like it better”, then I’ve allowed “liking it better” to be the cause of my choice. However, as a manager you want to be cause in the organization's life, so you need to choose because you choose( make a a decision) rather than because of any external force, event, or cause. But now, suppose I am only offered vanilla? Do I still have choice? YES! I can choose to choose vanilla or I can choose to resent vanilla. What effect will that choice have? If I choose to choose vanilla, I can decide that I’m going to enjoy the wonderful flavors that vanilla has to offer. My experience of vanilla will be quite different than if I chose to resent only being offered vanilla.
If we have a bad financial situation on Wall Street, as a manager I choose them to be bad and it turns out to be much easier to work having chosen that economic state. Much better than being a hater and just complain about the economy.
I like the C for "choice". I have to agree that digital commerce offers a lot of choices. One of my visions is to open a E-Commerce bussines in my home country Albania. Eventhough it's gonna be a new industry, it's going to open a lot of choices. E-commerce is very usful for small and big companies. Everyone is going to have the opportunity to make bussines online. People will have more choices more varieties. It's a free bussines world. More choices are always needed.
We definitely need more “artists” I believe we are lacking creativity in a world as whole, people are becoming satisfied with plane and simple things for example entertainment on the television and the large amount of pointless shows that only take from people instead of giving some useful information. In the times that are coming innovation is going to be crucial but since so many things have been done already it is becoming more difficult to be considered innovative. Bootstraper is a cool term never herd of it but find it quite remarkable when people create something from only a good idea and will
We definitely need more “artists” I believe we are lacking creativity in a world as whole, people are becoming satisfied with plane and simple things for example entertainment on the television and the large amount of pointless shows that only take from people instead of giving some useful information. In the times that are coming innovation is going to be crucial but since so many things have been done already it is becoming more difficult to be considered innovative. Bootstraper is a cool term never herd of it but find it quite remarkable when people create something from only a good idea and will
A is for Artist: what an excellent way to address this issue. there definitely needs to be more artists today. i feel as though too many people are adapting to the "norm" (the business suits, the 9-5, the paperwork..etc) and it's limiting them in showing their inner artist! I think people are scared of change and creativity these days. what a shame!
"E is for Edgecraft" - I actually disagree that you believe brainstorming doesn't work well! Some minds are so creative that i believe brainstorming actually does work well for them. What I think is most effective is that if you put a lot of brains together, they can come up with ideas that maybe one brain can't itself. I'm no excellent brainstormer, but I believe if you place someone with great marketing skills together with brainstorming, s/he can come up with really good ideas :)
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