S is for Sneezer: What do we call someone who spreads good ideas the way some people spread a virus? Seek out the sneezers, cater to them, organize them.
T is for Tribe: Human beings evolved to be attracted to tribes. Groups of like-minded people who share a culture, a connection and perhaps a goal. And each of these tribes seeks leadership. The opportunity today isn't to sell more average stuff to more average people. The real opportunity for you is to find and connect and lead tribes of people, taking them somewhere they want to go. That is success.
U is for Ululate: Not because it's relevant, just because it's the single best word in the English language!
V is for Very good: No one cares about very good. I can get very good from just about anyone, and certainly cheaper than I can get it from you. We don't have a competence shortage, not any more. No, I'm only going to be impressed by the personal, the magical, the artistic and the work of the truly extraordinary. Don't be just very good if you can help it.
W is for Worldview: I first encountered this term via George Lakoff. Your worldview is the set of expectations and biases you bring to a situation before any new data appears. Some people hear a politician say something and hate it, while others are thrilled by it. Is it the thing that was said or the person who said it? Some people hear that Apple is about to launch a new product and they get out their wallets, others flee--before they even know what it is. If you don't understand the worldview of the people you're dealing with, you will fail.
X is for Xebec: I hate it when A-to-Z listmakers cheap out on the X. Hey, a xebec is a three-masted schooner. And they're obsolete. Just like CDs, newspapers and a whole host of interesting but dated business models. Sorry. Imagine someone saying: "He's a nice guy, but that company he works for is a xebec."
Y is for You. You the artist. You the one who makes a difference. You the one who stands for something and now has the education and leverage to actually make a difference. Go go go!
Z is for Zoometry: Originally a term from zoology (pronounced zo-ology, in case you were curious), zoometry is the science of instigating and learning from change. This is the revolution of our time, the biggest one in history, and it's not just about silly videos on Youtube. One by one, industry by industry, the world is being remade again and again, and the agents of change are the winners. Be a part of the change!
I have to say, I enjoyed reading your blog of letters, it was so interesting and pertained so much to the real world and was quite entertaining to say the least. I think we need to have many more "sneezers" in the world. As the world is always changing, it is important for our lifestyles to keep up, therefore we need people who have good ideas and to spread them to as many people as possible. A lot of people are also very negative on a routine basis, people who are more positive should also try and share their optimism with as many people as possible.
I think sneezers are always good to have around (the type you describe, not the other one) because they're responsible for a sort of ripple effect. One idea leads to bigger and better ones.
Everyone should strive to be the best because it's true that anyone can be very good. It's also important to understand the world around us and have a sense of what others think and how they perceive different things.
We should all do our part to be a part of the change. The world is changing as we speak and we need to stay on top of things, otherwise we'll get left behind.
In my personal life, I always seek out sneezers. For instance one of my best friends, Samantha does product development in the fashion industry and my other friend Lucy is a men’s outerwear designer for Kenneth Cole. They are obviously very fashion savvy. When it comes to me, when I had more time to keep up with these things, they considered me fashion foreward. Now they always change up my outfit if they see something wrong with it. I always ask them for tips on what to buy and how to wear it because I’m not as knowledgeable on it as I use to be when I had more time to read magazine and keep up with the trends. One of my flaws (I suppose) when it comes to finding sneezers in school or things I am competent in, is that in my head, I always think I am right or have the best ideas. I wasn’t like that before, but I guess my mentality became that way because every class I have taken in Baruch so far where we had to do a group assignment, I always take control, tell people what to do, and put it together. If they don’t do their part the way I want it, I do it over myself. The reason I do this is because I want to be guaranteed an ‘A’ and I feel like I don’t want to take the risk of getting a bad grade if this person’s work isn’t how I wanted it to be. Everytime I did that we got atleast a 96 (my goal is usually 94 or higher) and the few times it was more of a collaborative group effort, where everyone makes suggestions and there either is no “take charge” person or someone else was the take charge person and I wasn’t in that particular scenario, we never a 93 or above. I think my mind associates my ideas or the way I do things with getting an A and someone else taking charge as not meeting my standards. I know I have to be more trusting but my grades are so so so important to me and it’s really hard for me to give up some control to someone else when my grade is at stake. However I know I’m losing out my potentially not listening to good ideas from someone who may actually have one. I won’t change the way I do things completely, but instead of assuming no one is as competent as me, I would evaluate someone’s work efforts and creativity going forward and entrust them based on my evaluations.
I agree about tribes and that’s why I feel that there has been a huge emergence of niche markets to satisfy needs of a small target market more closely than to satisfy the needs of a large target market satisfactorily. Although this would result is less revenue because of a smaller customer base, you have higher customer equity because those few people will have more brand loyalty and invest more of their earnings to your brand as opposed to a competitors. According to Walker Information (www.walkerinfo.com) 55% of customer are not truly loyal to a brand name and will not hesitate to switch to another brand while 45% are truly loyal.
U is for Ululate. I think a definition would have been helpful here. Ululate - to howl, as a dog or a wolf. Now it makes sense. Ululating is necessary for success because how can you succeed if people can't hear your ideas. Sometimes, people just aren't listening and it is our job to ululate to catch their attention and get our point across. Perhaps outspoken is another way to describe this point and if you're not outspoken, you simply won't be heard.
V is for Very Good. This is a good point as in today's world there is so much talent out there that being very good has become not good enough.
First, I would like to say I enjoyed reading the A to Z dictionary in Kurpis style.
For ululate, I needed a true dictionary to understand this word.
It is amazing how true it is, in practice I see that as a Manager if you don't know to top managers how hard is your department job by ululating you don't get the budget or resorces to function.
Now I have a boss that doesn't like to Ululating and she get nothing while my previous boss got a raise every few months and additional employees.
I don't like ululating but in everyday life there is no other choice.
I really like the word Zometry. New York city is a place fulfilling of revolution; if I can't adapt the changes in the city, i can not survive. So good luck to me :D
In addition, I am just wondering if you are going to teach philosophy. If yes, please let me know..
Very Educational and inspiring
I feel as if I should go go go and do something RIGHT NOW!
I defiantly learned the real meaning of some words I have never encounter before and I am very glad for that.
Tribe is defiantly right. Especially in the multinational age we are leaving in and in particular the occupation we are inquiring at Baruch. everything around us just seem to be as one, each country is going global and fast, as if we are all one big tribe.
Very good is very interesting, I have always asked myself the question of "what is good and what is good enough?” Is it simply by having a college degree, speak an additional 5 languages or memorizing the whole dictionary that we are considered to be outstandingly good? Today everything just seems to be so overly difficult that it is almost seem as impossible to accomplish. Only the best get ahead and the average stay behind, so we have to catch up, fast!
The V very good I like that because very good isn't enough we have to be extraordinary. Do better than your best and hope its not only just very good. I like how you got X involved no letter wants to be left out.
The V very good I like that because very good isn't enough we have to be extraordinary. Do better than your best and hope its not only just very good. I like how you got X involved no letter wants to be left out.
Out of this list, the one that sticks out to me is Tribe. I think if I didn't have my tribe (family) I wouldn't be where I am today. A tribe is the backbone of a leader. I mean whats a leader without a tribe. Its the tribe that allows you to flourish and move forward. I hope one day I can be part of a tribe and even be a leader.
I am very interesting to read the blog. Different letters are presenting different word. Y is for you, education could let people to learn a lot of knowledge. We could learn from the school or outside of the school. Also, education is power. That power could let people to do any things they want it or might let people stand the top of the world.
It's interesting looking at things from a whole different prospective. For instance My entire life I've referred to people as "sneezers" only to portray that they don't care about anything. In my culture and many of those that are around Eastern Europe call people "sneezers" as if they sneeze on everything presented to them. Yet you have created a new image in my mind as if a sneeze would be an idea generator. Another blog and another few words learned, aside from metaphors which I am a fan of and use on daily basis.
Looking back, I have experienced the worldview phenomenom in both my cooking and deejaying backgrounds. As a chef, I would often have to tweak my recipes constantly to accomodate the people I was cooking for. Rarely as a deejay was I able to spin my favorite tunes for others. Usually, I would be working a club or wedding that requird me to cater to the ears of the party-goers. In very few instances, did those party-goers share the same liking of music that I have.
However, it took me a while to be satisfied with working and pleasing others under those circumstances. I was the chef and deejay and therefore ultimately knew what was best for the less experienced - ethnocentrically correct, right?
I can't say when it exactly occurred to me, but at some point (after years of trying to impose my will on others) I somehow realized that I was going crazy trying to convince everybody that my way was the best way. I now know that the only way to successfully convey any objective to an audience is to first be aware of their needs and beliefs, and then to adjust to whichever way necessary to accommodate those needs and beliefs.
Today, I sincerely enjoy watching people eat my food and dance to my music, regardless if it is really "mine." I am grateful today to be open-minded and willing to change my world view.
Tribe of like-minded people. In the marketing research, you probably would call it a target market. People are grouped into ‘tribes’ that share same culture, interests and connections. And any business role is to figure out how to introduce the product to that particular ‘tribe’ and get them eat the bait. The word of mouth is extremely influential in the tribe, as people trust their friends’ and colleagues’ suggestions more than they trust advertising.
I agree that if we do not understand the worldview of the people we are dealing with we will fail. It happens because our expectations and biases we bring to any situation or any people don't always match the reality. It happened to me many times when I expected from other people certain behavior os something special but it did not work in the way I wanted or expected. And it was my fault and my mistake because I believed and expected something what I wanted and expected to happen, and I did not even think that the situations can have different interpretations.
Y is for YOU!!! It is for ME!!! I, only ME, and MYSELF can make a difference into my life. I and only me can go ahead, move forward and become successful in everything I strive to...And everything what I need is to love myself and believe that I can do it and I will do it!!! I wish myself good luck!!!
“V is for Very good”, sad but true. I guess the surplus of eligible candidates is just growing and the standards of good enough will continue to rise as those in emerging economies begin to be able to educate their children and selves. In a way that’s a good thing as it incentivizes us to make ourselves better and more competent, however until we do “upgrade” ourselves, we are effectively screwed if we are only “good”
Another interesting list. I like that you are trying to bring a few, virtually unknown, words into people's vocabularies. Very good, this is so true now. Whenever we give feedback, good doesn't really mean good anymore. Good has become the polite mediocre. Except when we are in the company of good friends, we will sometime sugar coat things for people who we are not as close with. For example if your good friend asks you how an event was and you thought it was terrible, you will flat out tell them, "it was awful, it bored me to tears, I wanted to just walk out." But when people who you are not so close to ask, you will hesitate not wanting to seem like you are being overly dramatic and say "umm..it was good...very good actually." But in reality this is not what we mean. When something is very good, it just means that it's not good enough. Worldview is also an interesting point. I agree that you should understand a person's worldview in order to deal with them more effectively. This is almost synonymous with the concept of emotional intelligence, in that you should understand where a person is coming from and their views on certain situations. And finally, I love that you used the phrase "agents of change". In the student org that I mentioned before in class, our ultimate goals are to create "change agents" (and we actually use this term as well). We want our members to take on leadership and a develop to have a global mindset and be creative and work to their full potential, our focus is on developing our members so that at the end of their experience in the organization they can be considered change agents and take what they have learned into the world and be the leaders of tomorrow.
Is worldview also like filtering? You only pay attention to what you want to hear and what you know; any new data is irrelevant because you have already made up your mind. I think in order to be successful, you have to set aside your personal biases and be able to understand the different situations you're going to be dealing with. If you approach a situation close minded then you're right, that person will fail. I like the idea of very good. It is right to strive for excellence and become extraordinary but pushing yourself too hard might cause you to become disengaged and discouraged. It is situational, and I think sometimes being very good is better compared to failing. Whenever you see an opportunity to shine, grab it and become extraordinary. I agree with everyone, I also enjoyed reading the "a to z success words", it was interesting and enlightening.
It is a costume for tribes to exist since thousands of years ago. Each tribe, of course, should include a Sneezer and a Leader, otherwise it would be a bunch of followers of another tribe. A tribe should include You and put their Xebec behind and instead seek Zoometry in order to move forward. Tribe has to form/have a Worldview and it better be a Very good one, in other words full of knowledge.
Just for fun tribe can learn to Ululate, while I'll go and learn to pronounce Ululate.
Comment: “The end of the road S to Z”
The worldview school of thought caught my attention the most I could quickly relate it to everything in life from education, to relationships, to religion, to shopping across the board in any aspect of our lives. The people who accept stuff first, they are the innovators mostly they are willing to take the risk to be the first to have something, they do not need any stats on whatever it is, most part they are experts themselves, and most importantly these innovators are successful people. Think about it they are the first to act first to explore first to buy, they get into markets before it is saturated. As to the biases I categorize them as the late adopters or the not adopters. These people tend to lose out a lot in life because they are afraid of taking chances they act only when there is enough information to support whatever they are pertained in or they do not act if there’s not enough information to support a decision. They wait for the word of mouth from the innovators but think about it at this time they've missed out so much whether it be a job or an opportunity.
As to Tribe we tend to unconsciously form groups among people these groups cheat us of a full circle experience, what I mean by this is that we are all part of a culture and by nature what we tend to do is be drawn to people who have similar characteristics as ourselves, with this reflex action of socializing rub us of the most interactive way of learning, learning from others. If we were to form diversified groups as naturally as we form like-minded groups we will have the opportunity to have first-hand knowledge of different cultures, lifestyles among a whole array of other subjects.
Very Good is not acceptable today. Our Generation the Y has become so competitive that we have to be exceptional to standout. The internet has revolutionized our cohort; a result of this is a raised ceiling. You have to set stretched goals to stay competitive because simple goals would not be enough it will get you by but not sustain you.
In order to create a better world, we need sneezers to spread good idea of love, compassion, and respect.I like sneezers who spread good idea around because good idea leads to good work and it benefits people, community, and country. Good ideas can be anything that creates well results, such as how to create better environment, save neighborhoods, or deal with your kids. I believe good ideas should be spread like H5N1 virus and hope no one can invent the treatment. Today, smart people copyright their Ideas and good ideas are not available for free. If there are people, who freely spread their good ideas, we must appreciate. Therefore, professor your sneezing ideas have a meaning that needs to happen exactly like spreading virus…
This was a very creative idea for your blogs professor, thanks for all of the tips you have provided us with through out the semester. In this post i was drawn by a few topics. Fist I thought sneezers provided a great image for what you were trying to say. My tow favorite are Tribe and very good because i believe they stress the importance of setting high goals and expectations for yourself. As you said anybody can be very good at anything but to stand out in todays world you have to be better then that, you have to push yourself in whatever you do to be extraordinary. and as the saying goes the only difference between ordinary and extraordinary is a little extra. Put in that little extra effort. Also dont just fall into a group try to lead that group. In the business field leadership is a very important quality. Set a goal for this group and motivate them to achieve this goal.
Ululate Sneezer!Ululate Tribe! Ululate Worldview! Ululate Ululate ZOOMETRY!! Ululate has now been added to my personal dictionary but in order for zoometry to prevail we need our sneezers and our tribes to howl and shrill their ideas and enforce their innovation. I hope that I will become a better sneezer in my organization, internship, classroom and future endeavors. I want to release all my fears and be able to be in the "Sneezer tribe". To be able to use my understanding of the worldview and be productive and inspiring. To be a better me, a future go-goer and to be better than good. Having the tools, as you mentioned, and the drive to want more for me, loved ones and my community will make me prevail. As S to Z has finally completed your A to Z lisitngs of management, I know realize that your words are focused on us as an individual, an artist, a thinker a creator. To take these words and make ourselves a better manager, president, intern whatever our role is. Because we have enough skilled workers in this day and age we must be the innovators and the "out of the box thinkers" we need ideas and we need to form new tribes of intriguing sneezers and not fall into the XEBEC tribe of CDs and such!!
'Y is for You': ain't that the truth. While people on the sidelines may cheer us on, at the end of the day, the ball's in our court. It really is up to us to make the difference and better changes in our lives and relying on others only puts us up for failure despite how rational and beneficial it may all seem in the moment. We're the ones who live the lives worth bettering and it's up to us to make ourselves the best we can be.
Prof K,
Zoometry is a vital component to share with us bloggers, foresting change is the most important thing a business or a person can do. Lots of companies (such as your playboy model) can't foster change, rather they stick with their original game plan, not realizing that things are not as they use to be. In order for any company to grow they must foster Zoometry. I loved the section of V-ery good. My whole academic career, I have fostered the term Very-good. It was not until I reached Baruch that I realized Very -good, well isn't very good anymore :). You have to push yourself to the outer limits to accomplish what you want. Tribe is also a very interesting point that you uphold. In this semester we have reflected on the many components of what a leader is, and how to posses leadership. Leadership in a Tribe (or company), brings success because you are the person who wants to take things "to the next level" rather then just follow the fast changing times. Sneezers are very scare these times, because everybody is afraid to take that extra leap to come up with new ideas, that ultimately inherit a risk. Just as you said in class with your Olympic Idea that turned, you took the risk of coming up with a creative scheme! However, now that more people are seeing that innovation is what take's business to the next level, I feel people are more or less trying to become sneezers. When in actuality it is possibly an innate trait for some of us, and some us a very hard trait to attain. Thanks for the laughs this semester, it has been a blast. You're blogs are great, and the learning experience in this class is one of a kind. Enjoy your holidays!!
We need to comprehend the worldview of people we are dealing with to avoid mistake in any situation. Before you take action, analyze the problem- interpret-find alternative and then take action. The best way to solve a problem is to study the problem first and then find a solution. It is the same way as criticizing something or someone. If you don't know it, don't judge it.
Having more sneezers also in this world to spread idea is the best way to bring changes. We need to find them because what they have is important in our life.
Finally, I just want to express my satisfaction from those words because they truly mean something valuable and their meaning can be seen the real. world.
I have to say that I really enjoyed reading all of your blogs and the letters because it was interesting how each letter goes with a word that can be used to describe the real world and how we go about doing things. As for these set of letters, U and V really made me think. First off, when I first saw ululate, I had to stop and laugh becuase I didn't that word existed. As for V for very good, I thought it was intersting cause a lot of teachers would overuse the term and never say things above it like excellent or amazing.
Not only should you seek out sneezers, you should become one. I think the overall idea of the A to Z guide of today’s best “success words” to be creative, different, unique etc. You can’t just settle for a “good enough” job, idea, life or anything for that matter. You have to be motivated to go out and make a difference, learn from the past and come up with new ideas for the “next big thing”. Your list was very interesting and I learned a lot from it Professor and when all of us become successful maybe we will ululate(def:to howl or wail, in grief or in jubilation, in our case jubilation).
I have a few sneezers in my life and I wish I could be around them more since their success will be contagious and I could possibly catch some of it. Sneezers' success could reach someone else in many ways, such as the sneezers actively helping you or by the motivation you get just by being around them. I should definitely look for the sneezers or strive to be one myself.
And I'm going to try out that sentence for "xebec",but I'm sure I'll have to spend a few minutes explaining myself. (It's always useful (and fun!) to learn new words like "xebec" and "ululate".)
Give me the "Sneezerssssssssss," I want them all around me! My type of individuals, creative and inspirational. Direction leading is what we need for all the "tribes" to follow and bring them together for the sole purpose of positive development. Like anything in life it has its ups and downs, people are easily influenced wether it is for the good or bad so the people for positive enlightenment need to take action! Throwing in ululate just because it is cool is hysterical. By the way for those of you that don't know, according to dictionary.com, it means "To howl, wail, or lament loudly." Being "very good" is like having a bachelor's degree these days, everybody can do it and most people have it. You gotta be better than the regular and ordinary, in other words, be extraordinary like you said. The worldview will always be different for the population, not everyone can agree on one certain thing. If everyone could agree on just one thing, that would be one step closer to world peace. Speaking of a xebec, I have always wanted to take a ride on one. When you say "you," I know your talking to ME!!!! Hopefully one day I will have made a difference in this world and made you proud enough to know that you were one of the individuals that changed my life for the better helping me reach my goals, I thank you for that. That is why I think you ending the Blog with "zoometry" is awesome, you have to understand the changes that have occurred to use those same principles to your advantage. It has been a pleasure and honor to have been in your class. You have "walked the walk," therefore can ''talk the talk," and I don't mind listening. I have much respect for what you have accomplished and am amazed to have been blessed with the opportunity to have been your student, I wish you nothing but godspeed.
This entire A to Z list was very interesting to read professor! My favorite part of this last post is X for Xebec. Not only did I learn a new word, but I'm also reminded of how much the world has changed since just a decade ago. I feel very lucky to have been a kid in the 1990s because that time period was just before everybody going online and all the big developments in technologies like cell phones being small and cheap enough for everybody. Although CDs are mostly out these days, I'm glad that physical newspapers are still around. Even after this class, I will check on your blog from time to time to see what interesting things you post about.
"Y is for You. You the artist. You the one who makes a difference. You the one who stands for something and now has the education and leverage to actually make a difference. Go go go!" I was reading this statement over and over. And instead of you I was reading it in first person. I am the artist. I am the one who makes a difference. I am the the one who makes a difference and now has the education leverage to actually make a difference...Go Go Go!!! I was reading it in first person to encourage myself.I get discouraged very easy. I don't get easily satisfied with things that I do. I am very critical of myself. For everyone out there that gets discouraged easily I just want the say: You are the artist! You are the one that can make a change if you want. Thank you Prof. Kurpis for putting this statement. Your blogs are very intersting . I can reate every single on of them to my self and to the world that we live in. Thank you. To everyone who is reading this comment and this blog : " You are the artist and you can make a difference."
Y is for Me and V is for Extraordinary and Fascinating! Very good is never good enough in my vocabulary. Anybody can be an average Joe, but why wasting time on being average? sky is the limit! Literally! There is nothing you can't do. You just need to put your mind into it and don't doubt yourself. Once you start hesitating, its OVER! Be confident, Visualize, Create, Make mistakes, Don't be Perfect, Live it up!
And as Winston Churchill once said: "If you are going through hell, keep going." Its been my motto for a while.
And yes, I am The Artist, Creator of My LIfe/Destiny.
"Life is an opportunity, benefit from it.
Life is beauty, admire it.
Life is bliss, taste it.
Life is a dream, realize it.
Life is a challenge, meet it.
Life is a duty, complete it.
Life is a game, play it.
Life is a promise, fulfill it.
Life is sorrow, overcome it.
Life is a song, sing it.
Life is a struggle, accept it.
Life is a tragedy, confront it.
Life is an adventure, dare it.
Life is luck, make it.
Life is too precious, do not destroy it.
Life is life, fight for it."
Mother Teresa
From S to Z, I think the letter that struck me the most was V. I like how you stressed that we shouldn’t just strive for “very good”. Reading that bit reminded me of how talented individuals really are. I can remember a few instances when I was watching someone else perform or do something that they were really good at. I couldn’t just describe them as “very good”. They were extraordinary and it was truly amazing to merely watch them. I was witnessing someone who realized his/her talent and built upon it attain a label more than “very good”. We all have talents and the first step to being the best we can be is to realize them.
Where do I start with this months words, Worldview is just so relevant in prople these days. Its true with apple, some people probably just bought it because they have an iphone and a mac. It can be easily related to politics and almost everything in modern life.
Very good is no longer good is also very true. To be somewhat successful you need to be alot more than just very good, more like very rare.
You is very important, but I am sure that we all know about that one.
Zoometry is very creative and very relevant again. Getting to be part of it is something that we would all want to do, but it seems just so hard to come up with the next big thing and go through with it.
V is for Very Good: You're right professor. In today's world, being plain "very good" is not good enough. In order to survive, we need to be EXTRA - extraordinary to stand out. It's a tough era to live in, but at the same time, it's a very exciting one. Standards around the world are increasing by the day, even a college degree isn't enough to land you a decent job. I feel that there's no time to waste, you just have to keep on improving yourself in order to achieve and maintain success.
I'd like to address Zoometry. It's interesting how in physics they conducted a research with a ray of light and a camera. Every time when a camera tried to photograph waves of light, they kept changing.The biggest discovery that was made as a result of the research is that every time when we try to change world around us, it changes and it is never the same. Amazing! Just an attempt itself makes the world different from what it's been a few seconds ago. So all this world needs is just a bunch of people who are not afraid of crazy ideas and who can take an idea or a situation and then just..try...just try to change it or bring it to the next level...Once it happens, the process of future change becomes logical and inevitable. A small step will initially lead to a new Silky Way. We just have to make it. And who knowns, from Silky Way we can actually get to the Milky Way.
The idea of "sneezers is interesting. I think it will be really helpful in marketing. You need people to spread ideas about your products or services since ads are becoming less efficient. "U" for ululate, well i had to grab a dictionary to get the actual meaning and yes sometimes, you really need to ululate your way out in order to get some results. Well, I have done that a couple of times if not I would not have gotten the results expected.
Spreading ideas and going for change are definitely ideals I am striving for. Of course leading others to change the world is another great thought.
Overall your blogs are truly well written, artistically inclined and have a very good message; be a part of the coming change and show your competitive advantage.
First off my favorite word in the whole world in zoology, no joke i wouldnt admite to something like that unless i ment it.
i really like how you emphsise the chinging enviourment and what people need to do to stand out. i think though that is really importnant to note that there are some starndard classic things that will never chnage that can help alot to. like common curtisy, general happy disposition, even if you have to fake it, and good service.
i read in the NYTimes about a eye glasses online store who was using horrible service to get more hits because when seached since thier name had so many hits it came up as number 1. there are still things that people need to keep in mind when pursuing something. You have to keep it CLASSY :D
Again Pro K...."S for Sneezer," I always try to put myself around those I know will make me think quicker and more productively. Those who think on a level that is not average make you realize the word "potential." Maybe I should write a alphabet soup ( don't sue me) where I write a section called "P for potential." Also "V for very good," Pro K I have no idea just like you come across expressing, what VERY GOOD IS. There is just simply a product and what I can do to improve it. My product is always satisfactory and I never look at it as good or very good. I like how you think master K.
People certainly do like to interact with like-minded people, and we naturally feel a connection with those who share similar values and culture. To be a successful business, one should come up with a good business idea that will intrigue many people (tribes) and lead them with creativity and innovation. Success is wanted by many and not everyone will succeed, but if we work hard and stay strong we will succeed in one way or the other.
Regarding worldview, I think our reaction to something depends on the specific situation and varies, if it is the thing someone said or who said it that determines what we feel about it. It probably varies. We should all be open-minded to new ideas and worldviews, and try to understand those that are different from ours. We don't have to agree with them, but just realize that there are other ones and be open to these opinions.
Zoometry sounds like an interesting new concept! I was curious to see what more the dictionary online have to say about it, and it actually presented a totally different definition, relating to measurement of animals. Anyway, your definition is something companies should think about and strive to be a part of the changing present. We can influence the world!
This was an inspiring post! Y for You was a great motivational entry! Let's go! We can all make a difference!
This is very enjoyable process. I dont know where you came up with this idea from, but it is very intersting.
Sneezer - someone who spreads good ideas. Never thought of this word in this conmtent. We definitely want to think positive and it is a very good way to put it.
I love the Y is for You. In whole semester, prof teach us to be more creative, to think different ways, to earn knowledge in new ways. Actually, I never have class like this before, not just sit down to hear what prof say, then go home and study the book. However, I was so excited I learn a lot from this blog. I know more about my classmate because I didn't talk a lot in class. I like to take a look at their blogs. It is a very easy and comfort way to communicate. Thank you!
T is for tribe. I like what you said about finding a like minded culture. I do not think culture always has to do with country of origin or ethnicity or religion. I think where I work has a definite culture. I also think too many people only want to be average. I don't want to be average, I don't want to work for an average company, and I don't want a house in the suburbs with 2.1 children and a dog by age 30. I think average is the complete lack of passion and why those with ambition will find others with a like minded "culture".
Worldview: it's not what you say, it's how you are being understood. We all have different mind-sets and perceptions about world. We understand things in our own ways. Communication is part of it and "If you don't understand the worldview of the people you're dealing with, you will fail," (Kurpis). It takes a lot of effort to listen others and accept them just the way they are, but being patient in this case will only benefit one. Plus, there will be always something new to learn by listening others. And for that we have to surround ourselves with kind and intelligent friends: socializing more.
Funny stuff, I really enjoyed reading this list. I have a good friend who is on the brink of creating his own website, and all he wants around him is a team of people with ideas, sneezers. Also, You made me open up the dictionary and look up Ululate (my dogs favorite hobby). MY personal favorite, out of all the words is V, for very good. Now a days, everyone does a good job; everyone has a master degree and has experience, and a good college education, but you need more to succeed. You need to be that extraordinary person to be ahead of everyone else.
T is for Tribe. This is a very interesting concept. Nevertheless, I believe that even though the members of a tribe share a number of common values and/or beliefs; they may not be certain of where they want to be in the future. Therefore, the leader of a tribe must have a solid vision of where the tribe needs to go, and how to get there. This leader must possess a great view to be able to adapt, and accept ideas from inside and outside of the tribe that might help the tribe arrive to its destination.
GO GO GO lol. But i do not think that you just put ululate for no reason. Ululate means to howl, so do you want to howl at as professor?? Sneezers are people that we need more of. New ideas are always something that people need to know and think of in order to move forward and expand their ideologies. Just thinking about how fast a virus spreads and comparing it to ideas excites me and if more virus spread then we are going to have either bad or good years to come in society and within oneself.
First off, I enjoyed reading your blog. It was very creative and simply "our of the box" :)
Y is for you and thats so true. It's you who makes the difference. Let's take an example from our class activities, if all the team members were to keep quiet and rely on others..that team would have never been successful. In fact, it's you who needs to take the initiative, have courage and good self esteem so we can take a step to make a change! These are some of the components that I learned from this class.
Y - you the artist. after reading all your letters and looking at your personal page, i could definitely see the new type of business aspects you bring to the table. not being just knowledgeable in business, you paint, wrote a book, heck you even learned culinary arts. having been exposed by so many different areas and having a deep founded respect for art, i could see myself bringing the same into the table of business.
You're a very interesting guy. Not often do teachers catch me off guard. You've been doing it since day one. You've got some interesting words here- Ululate. I'll look that one up. HA to howl, wail, or lament loudly. Very good. Better yet, excellent! You're word's have kept me interested, and even though I saved the best for last, aka responding to all your blogs, I did find them interesting and even quite entertaining. Responding to you has been easy, and I can relate to a lot of your points.
While I didn't LOVE the idea of blogging all semester long, I must say, as I type my last response and prepare to put together my portfolio, I do feel a sense of accomplishment. I've created my first blog, received a good number of views, and put my opinion out there. And hey, I even wrote a funny poem for the world to see!
Like you said - Xebec describes things that are obsolete. But that doesn't necessarily make them uninteresting. Exploring particular xebecs of our lives can lead to an edge compared to people who just use the newest things.
In addition, V is for very good - when looking for a job, going to big states like New York and California will only make you look 'very good.' Because many people there are just as skilled, if not better. Nowadays very good is not enough; being world-class makes you stand out.
If your sneezes produce waste rather than ideas, then I could not agree more with professor K. I like being around people with good ideas just as I like being around people with exceptional sense of humor. I can't tell a great joke, but appreciate one when I hear it. Ideas are contagious, just like virus.
Leading is important. Motivation is too. Ability to lead a TRIBE can create a revolution, a movement, a new direction.
I want to ULULATE in joy - appropriate??!!
I like the use of breaking down words as you go and interpreting them. I think most business students can relate to this. One thing that i thought most fit me is You. Because everywhere you are no matter what position or situation, you are the first one to respond an answer or an alternative. I also have to agree with the tribe. Most values and characteristics of a person come from his or her people.
I have to say that I learned about V for very good late in life. Anybody can definitely be very good. But being great takes time. I do know now that anything worth doing takes a lot of time...
the X for xebec is funny. there is a reason why people only use x for x-ray because even after you explained what a a xebec was i had to google what a three-masted schooner was.
I like two words: Sneezer and Tribe. This is just a perfect combination: A tribe of Sneezers: a real manager's dream.
As a human being you cannot be the best in everything, but as a sagacious manager you can build a team that will be generating ideas and results in a 2+2 = 6 regime!
I like two words: Sneezer and Tribe. This is just a perfect combination: A tribe of Sneezers: a real manager's dream.
As a human being you cannot be the best in everything, but as a sagacious manager you can build a team that will be generating ideas and results in a 2+2 = 6 regime!
I like two words: Sneezer and Tribe. This is just a perfect combination: A tribe of Sneezers: a real manager's dream.
As a human being you cannot be the best in everything, but as a sagacious manager you can build a team that will be generating ideas and results in a 2+2 = 6 regime!
You are the sneezer professor! I learned a lot from you from the beginning to the end. You always come to school early and prepare for classes before. You really have enthusiasm for the class and I really enjoyed class activities. I really respect you for that reason. If I have a chance to teach people in the class I will use some of your lecture style in the class. It was really fun and you really were generous to students. Even though there were some people who did not know how much you gave them to get a good score in many ways such as midterms and extra credit and activities, I truly know that you are giving the most opportunity than any other professor could give to them.
At last, the final blog post of the semester. I wish I could say I enjoyed reading these wacky words, but I cannot. They seem too general and don't serve much purpose. Yes, they do relate to the class somewhat, but it's nothing new. From what it seems, you seem to be "advertising" a certain way of living. Work hard! Go go go! Be an artist! Be creative! Be better than the best! or you'll be mediocre in life. No one cares about very good? Well, everyone can go striving to be the "best," and most likely never achieve it, while others will simply appreciate things for what they are. Remember H? Don't be hater. Just because it is not the best, doesn't make it worthless.
V for very good. People because of competition are challenged with more than just good. As for example people who want to get hired in a company have to have more than just a good GPA. There are people who have higher gpa but what companies really seek out of it is a creative person, more creative who can drive the company to a new level.
T for tribe , is what all human possess. Mostly we form a group based on some similarity either be it a culture, personality.And yes all we ought to do is to form a group a individual wants to be in and take that tribe to the success it wants to achieve.
W for worldview: Worldview meaning opinions about somematter. Everyone has their own opinion. Some have good and some bad. In order to know be successful in any field of work we as an individual need to know the opinions of other and place them in the right place.
sneezers and zoometry.. what else could you ask for when you want to make and see a difference? you're a-z list was ever so enjoyable. it had such a fun twist to it..a quite humorous one, yet it possessed so much knowledge and truth. this was very inspiring!
The truth of the matter is no matter what, how or where YOU go it solely depends on YOU. The world is a vast open sea that can spit you out and laugh at you the entire way to the bottom. Its hard out here and getting worse some days more than others. But i take what you say to heart it is always about YOU. If you fail there is no pointing fingers at someone else, because when you do SUCCEED you wont be pointing fingers at anyone when YOU did it all by yourself.
Thanks Prof K.
I don't know if I should take what you said about being "very good" as a good thing or a bad thing! haha. Of what I can understand, you're trying to tell us not to just strive for what the world considers to be adequate, but go a step further. Try not to be like everyone else, yes?
Very creative, and very enjoyable. I gotta find time to read each one carefully and really have every idea register. I can see all of this as a book or a poster like the motivational ones, haha. Something to look into. They're great parting words prof and I'll keep checking on these.
"S is for sneezers" I wish I was a sneezer and people would sneak me out and cater to me :) Hahah, kidding. I didn't know what "ululate" mean so I looked it up. Trust me, the definition I was looking for was definitely not "howl or wail as a strong expression of emotion, typically grief". "V is for very good" I definitely agree with this. I rather be "excellent" than just "very good" I can say that to a kid who did his addition right. But when someone says excellent to you, you just feel as if you really outdone yourself.
i feel like when we were you the Y and I is always about some love stories, now that we are older we are starting to think of what the Y and I can really means something meaningful. Y = you, you are the only one with every control of your life, and you don't make a change for yourself no one else in the world could do the change for you.
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