Knowing a great deal is not the same as being intelligent; intelligence is not information “alone,” but also judgment, the manner in which information is collected and used. -Dr. Carl SaganHere are five ways to increase your intelligence by showing you how to enhance your capacity for learning, reasoning, understanding and mastery.
5 Ways to Become More Intelligent
- Read Often
It sounds so obvious, but...do you REALLY do it? Do you realize that through reading you can learn in a few hours what took someone else decades to learn? Reading not only informs, but it also increases your capacity for learning, thereby increasing your intelligence.
Although knowledge is not the summation of intelligence, it is the foundation of intelligence, so it’s crucial that we cultivate the joy of reading.
It’s an amazing thing, people who become successful write down how they did it, and then sell that information for a few dollars. For a few dollars and a few hours you can literally pick someone’s brain; you can buy a piece of their intelligence.
Reading gives you insight into great minds and sharpens your intellect. This allows you the ability to make greater logical connections because reading gives you more pieces of life’s puzzle. By reading from a multiplicity of sources, you gain the wisdom of many.
Reading (blogs like this one) is a great way to increase your intelligence. Remember, readers are leaders, and leaders are usually intelligent. - Teach Others
“Those that understand, teach.”- Aristotle
Teaching increases your capacity for reasoning, a critical aspect of intelligence.
Anyone who’s ever successfully taught anything realizes that teaching increases your capacity to reason. When you teach, you’re often required to view what you’re teaching from a variety of perspectives.“I've always felt that a person's intelligence is directly reflected by the number of conflicting points of view he can entertain simultaneously on the same topic.”-Abigail Adams
When you teach, it’s often essential that you question what you believe in order to deal with objections and oppositions that are sure to arise. Teaching is often more beneficial to the teacher than the student. - Get Into Action
Action increases your capacity to understand a subject. As the old proverb goes, “In all thy getting, get understanding.”
You can have information, and you can teach what you know, but you will never fully understand a subject until you put it into practice. If you want to significantly increase your intelligence related to cooking, don’t just watch the Food Network, and don’t just tell someone how to cook; you must master cooking yourself by trying, failing, and perfecting the act of cooking.
You will always understand things better when you do them yourself. Knowledge gives you the pieces of the puzzle; understanding helps you put the puzzle together.“A truly good book teaches me better than to read it. I must soon lay it down, and commence living on its hint. What I began by reading, I must finish by acting.”-Henry David Thoreau
- Master One Subject
Mastery is a sign of intelligence. Mastery comes from focusing on one subject until you fully understand it. If you can fully understand one subject, it will help you to better understand other subjects. In other words, mastery will increase your aptitude for grasping truths. If you can master playing the piano, you will better understand music in general.
Additionally, if you can master any subject, you will understand what it takes to succeed. - Bonus: Watch More Television
You probably didn’t see this one coming.
By watching more television, you can become more “well-rounded.” Of course I’m not referring to watching more of the The Simpsons, I’m talking about watching television shows that offer an educational message such as political shows or shows on The Discovery Channel or The History Channel. These shows can increase your capacity for learning, reasoning, and understanding as long as you don't choose educational shows that also stress you out.
Do you agree?
I agree wit all he steps you mention. Reading, duh so obvious but ask someone when is the last time they picked up a book, not for school but just to acquire knowledge. Something I need to practice mor often myself. Teaching, I worh as a tutor for a few years I dont thimk I learned anything but patience. but it was a fullying witnessing that moment when that person "gets it"...NICE! Action- well faith w/o work is dead. So simply but, just but to use what u learn so it becomes a part of you in away. Masteroing a subject, who wants to be a jack of all trades and a master of none. No one with good sense. Fuuny enough you mentioned watching tv. My mentor/spiritual leader recommened that I do the same thing, even mentioned some of those channels, to improve my diction and public speaking ability. So I do agree. Sidebar...Ur a great teacher, I of the top five in my years as a student. Au Revoir..Krys
O consistancy, uhhhhh it like the key to everything in life. I NEED to work on that. ok bye
"How to become smarter" is a very interesting topic but I do agree with all the tips you gave. Reading is obviously important and can help with vocabulary. Learning involves listening and speaking ans teaching others is also a part of becoming smarter. It is good to be able to communicate with others about what you know. Using what you know and becoming more active with your knowledge is the point of having that knowledge in the first place. Mastering a subject is something that i agree with but I never really thought about. Usually that might be someone's career or a hobby where they spend a large amount of time. More tv is very funny to me and I think that being well-rounded is very important. Knowing about a variety of subjects in different fields allows you to relate to a larger group of people.
Hello Prof. Kurpis,
I find this entry very helpful and interesting because I have never thought about some of these things. As you mentioned, even though reading is so obvious, it’s very rare as probably very few people read to become intelligent. I think most students stay so busy with school readings from textbooks and stuff, that there is no time to read something just for yourself. I think I will definitely start reading because it is really a good source of knowledge. The concept of teaching others to become intelligent is quite interesting because I would think that one has to learn everything before they can teach others but learning while teaching others is definitely something to think about. I very much agree with the third way, getting into action, because putting something into action that you have acquired information about will become useful if its applied in some way. I also agree with the fourth way. Understanding a subject in depth is capable of expanding a person’s knowledge about many other things as well and watching more television that is educational can help a person become intelligent and it’s a fun and interesting way to learn new things. I have found this entry very useful and learned a lot from it.
Reading and learning is one thing, but it's a completely different experience when you decide to put what you've read and learn into action. For instance, I can read everything about the decision making processes in management, but if I don't actually make decisions and experience it first hand, then I won't truly know how it works. This is why I find your class so interesting, not only do you give us a formal definition/ theory of something, you also use the class time to allow us to experience what you've taught. Thus, making the information that much more meaningful and memorable.
Starting with reading. I agree with the fact that everyone should read often to familiarize them with whats going on around the world. Whether it's Nytimes or wall street journal or a book.
I have a similar way of looking at it. I believe that u should teach others what you read or the knowledge you have about the topic. I agree with your last sentence, teaching is often more beneficial to the teacher than to the student. Implementing or taking it into Action can always help you enhance your knowledge about the topic and at the end it helps you understand things better. Master one subject can be a ladder to another knowledge.
Although I disagree with your last advice on watch more television.
I think the last one should be doing something unique for the community or getting involved in your own community. Nothing helps you gain more knowledge than familiarizing or getting more involved in your community. Making major decision, voting for the mayor of your town, or helping your community in any way.
I think a lot of these things are obvious, yet we sometimes underweight their importance because society no longer values a lot of these things as much as it did before.
Reading is always important, but understanding what you are reading and interpreting the meaning so you can form your own opinions is more important. Reading not only expands your knowledge, but it also relieves the stress from day to day life. When you read about other people's experiences in either novels or biographies, you can relate those experiences to your own life.
Teaching is probably the best way to learn a subject and become aware of different viewpoints. This is why Phd students often choose or are required to teach classes as part of the requirements. You might think you know a lot, but teaching a class proves you know a lot because you always have to be prepared to lecture and answer questions. A lot of people teach the same class 10 years in a row and still feel challenged to keep teaching the same class.
Action is always important. A lot of the activities we did in class is an example of this. Nobody wants to come to a class and listen to the professor read off of powerpoint slides the entire semester. Case studies that require you to sure the knowledge you acquired to solve problems are the best way to learn a subject.
Becoming an expert at a specific field is always good. Not only will it give the expert power (as the professor mentioned in class), but it will allow you to share your knowledge effectively and answer any questions that people have with ease. Although I think noone can be a complete expert in a subject, there is always something new to learn.
As for watching educational TV, I think reading books is a lot more effective. Sure you can watch the History channel, but it is still a passive activity and therefore you might not learn as much.
This blog is quite inspirational. I was always told to "read, READ, read" to become 'smarter'. But it's not until college where I am starting to actually enjoy learning and realizing how extremely important reading is. I used to think people were born smart, and I was pretty hopeless because I thought I didn't get the right genes. However, once again it is not until college til I realized that I could do just as well as anyone or even better if I just do the things that you've mentioned. I think that it is all about discipline. You need to read, master the subject, and put it into action. You have to keep on repeating and practicing consistently. Mastering a subject shows that you do not give up and you have determination to finish it to the end. Everyone could start something, but it is a real something when someone finishes what they have started. I will definitely apply this to my life.
I agree with the steps you mentioned. However, I believe you need to be able to do something before you can teach it. You might have all the book knowledge in the world about a certain subject, but if you can't put it into practice how can you teach others to? With regards to mastery, I'm also a little iffy on that. How can you know if you've really completely mastered a subject? It seems that no matter how much you know about something, there's always something else to learn; some question you don't know the answer to because you've never thought about the subject a certain way, or a technique you never learned because you made your own. Instead of striving to completely master a certain subject, I think it's more important to have a well-rounded knowledge of many subjects, with a few that you know very in-depth.
I do agree with read often. I myself am a preacher of reading. It improves every aspects of your knowledge. I have learnt form books and articles, things not taught in the classroom. You are right it does increase your capacity for learning.
Many times when I explain a concept to a friend or relative I do see my reason capacity increase. It’s not simply saying you go from a to b, often I have to explain, discuss and give reasons about getting from a to b. I also see this when I’m in a study group, it is one of the reason why I sometimes enjoy study groups. It allows me to be grounded in a concept because I’m teaching some else how and why it’s done. I do find my self remembering and understanding the concepts better when I teach someone, at time I do believe I’m getting more out of the experience than the person I’m teaching.
Watching more television is another valid point. I have collected knowledge from watching some programs on television.
Great pointers; I have incultate a few but i also need to work on others that was listed
Collis O.
I agree with all of the steps you mentioned as well. I do feel that some steps hold more signifiance than others, and they are also specific to individual people.
Reading is a universal way of learning, as there can not be enough said to that point.
Teaching is an excellent way of learning as well. I agree with you if you teach someone something you find yourself understanding it much more afterwards, but I do not believe this can be applied to everyone. I had a genius math teacher in high school, but he could not teach his knowledge to others effectively.
Certainly putting concepts and ideas into action is necessary to understand a topic in full detail. I find this particularly interesting in the college setting, as I have had a finance professor in the past who taught Corporate Finance but never actually had any experience in corporate finance. He never actually had any professional experience, just academic. I believe professors, especially in the higher level classes, should have practical knowledge in their field.
Mastery is essential to grow intelligent over time. Mastery of any subject, whether it's working on a car or building morgage-backed derivatives, does not happen overnight. Once this level of knowledge is achieved, I agree with you that you can then apply this level of understanding to other concepts to better understand them as well.
Television is questionable on how much intelligence it adds to a person. Of course you have to start by watching a 'smart' show, not Family Guy, but I would argue this depends on the person also. Some people do not learn from TV screens, but better learn from books, while others need hands-on experience to learn. With the combination of the right person and the right show, I agree that a person could learn from the television.
I believe these steps are encouraging, and therefore we should apply them to our lives. I believe the best way to gain intelligence over time is not to be afraid to step out of your personal confort zone, and be sure to try new things.
These are some interesting pointers in ways of becoming more intelligent. A few may be obvious but watching TV definitely caught me a little off guard but I guess it makes sense.
Growing up as a kid, my parents always told me to read. If I wasn't doing anythin productive, they would tell me to read. It didn't really matter what I was reading as long as they saw that I was reading. I do believe that reading definitely helps to expand your mind with limitless information available out there. There are many insightful information that books, newspapers, magazines, or even blogs like these have to offer. Best part of reading is that it is free knowledge. Anybody can apply for a library card and borrow books for free.
We live in a world that is changing constantly. By teaching others what you know, you are also teaching yourself and perfecting yourself in that subject. Nobody is perfect at anything, so there is always more knowledge you can take out of something. "Teaching is often more beneficial to the teacher than the student." I agree with this. When you're teaching someone, you have to be focused, therefore concentrating on the topic at hand. However, a student only learns if they choose to pay attention and absorb what the teacher has to offer.
Action. I'm a firm believer that real world experience offer you more skills and knowledge than attending school. I believe that with one year of real work experience in your field of study can provide you with more knowledge than what four years of college has to offer.
This is true. If you've mastered one subject, it would only motivate you to broaden your horizons and want to learn new things. It's almost like a stepping stone for yourself.
I've never really thought of this as a way to become more intelligent but I can see how some would think so. There are many shows nowadays that offer real life scenarios and conflicts. It can be a great visual source. Some people learn better by visually seeing something rather than reading it.
I agree that reading and putting your knowledge into action increases intelligence and assist you in mastering your skills.
I always fine intelligent people to be very interesting and I often become fascinated by the way they express themselves with ease and limitless effort. It inspires me to become even more ambitious than I currently am and to feel a sense of accommplishment when I've done something new to improve my intelligence, like completing a novel.
I agree with the things that you mentioned. There are so many different ways to enrich your mind. Reading is definitely one of the most important things a person can do. Though you won't know EVERYTHING there is to know in the world, it is good to feed your brain with a variety of different things as we never know what each day in our lives will bring. You have to make sure that you not only intake these knew things, but make sure that you use them at some point in your life (ACTION). I do feel that you should engage in conversation with others about things that you have learned and that could work in reverse as well. This is something that I plan to work on myself in the coming year - reading alot more and enriching my mind with as much information as possible.
These five points are doubtlessly essential to become smarter. Reading (newspapers, magazines etc) easily helps keep you informed, even just reading the am ny on the subway for a few stops. I also definitely agree that mastering one subject would definitely help becoming smarter, that is why one of the things on my 'to accomplish' list is 'to become master of something'.
I totally agree that reading is something that is very important and indeed something I need to do more of. It is true that one can receive so much knowledge just by picking up books and reading and understanding the concepts. Coming to college really made me realize how crucial reading is and the impact it can have. Reading is a necessity in order to master a trade and or topic and then this can be put into action. Mastering something does not come right away it takes time, practice, hard work and determination. This in my opinion is one of the keys to being successful and truly achieving knowledge and intelligence making us better leaders and managers. As for TV, I do agree that it does makes us well rounded and can add to our knowledge.
I strongly agree with you. there is noting I can oppose. I checked your website and it's great because I saw all the activities you engaged with. Music, Writing and teaching etc. I also saw all the title you held, it is stunning becasue you look like a sicple and happy guy. From the 5 ways I like reading, watch tv, get into action and mater in one subject. The teach part I am not quite sure that i am capbale of doing because I do not have much patient when I teach them something and it seems easy, but some people just don't get it. Overall What you have say is right and I think thats why you are happy most of the time(at least thats what I think).
This is true. I actually feel dumber since I stopped reading, but I stopped reading because of life's pressures. I owe it to myself to rearrange my priorities and take on a different lifestyle, one that permits reading and watching tv lol. I am not a very good teacher because I have been known to lose my patience easily and I am not the most tactful person either, so I say things that may hurt or embarass the other person while I am attempting to teach. But fret not! I am working at this and make an effort to control my tongue and my bad temper. It's funny because I actually used to think that I was smart. It's also because I was surrounded by a group of not so smart people. But I digress! I used to think that I was smart but there is so much out there to learn about. My New Year's resolution is not to get in shape or take out the trash. It's to achieve mastery in subject and at the very least get myself on the right track! (baby steps people)
For some reason, it reminds me of the various professors I had that pointed out the differences between information and knowledge. Some of the things that they mentioned you mentioned, like information is just there and knowledge is using that information. Teaching, as you mentioned, is probably the best example of this for "A good teacher teaches his student, a good student teaches his teacher." I'm not entirely sure where I heard that from, but it is similar to the quote from Abigail Adams. A good teacher would get students thinking enough to ask questions that test a teacher's understanding and thus help the teacher to learn the subject too.
I have to agree with all the ways one becomes smarter, as listed here. I do, however, wish to address each way separately...
1. Read often- I think reading is one of the most important tasks one must do to be more intelligent. Reading helps you learn so much about a variety of topics, and not in a boring way! You can choose to read a certain genre, which you like and just by reading as a hobby, you will definitely enrich yourself.
2. Teach others- Throughout my high-school years, I never really liked to study... I used to be in class, but not really pay attention to what goes on there. So, when finals came, I would just take notes from two friends, and than I will teach them to prepare for the test. For some reason, I would always get a better grade than they did, despite the fact that they were the ones listening and taking notes in class. I think teaching someone definitely benefits me more than him, and my example just proves it..
3. Get into action- I have learned that in everything in life, once you actually do something, you understand it better. It's just as simple as driving somewhere yourself (as oppose to be seating next to the driver), will always help you remember the road and know it better. It turns out that practice does mean perfection... I think acting on a certain subject will improve understanding the activity, remembering it and better understanding it.
4. Master one subject- we can’t be perfect at everything in life, but we can definitely set our minds to being perfect at one thing. Once we do that, we show ourselves that we can do it, and than setting new goals to master some other area gets so much easier...
5. Watch more TV- Indeed, a bonus!! Here, I have to somewhat disagree with the actual content of the TV one watches. As an adolescent, I used to watch plenty of TV- and not necessarily the Discovery channel... I have to admit- watching TV is the way I learned English... I would relate what the actors say to the subtitles in my language and just learn from it... When I got to the stage of actually learning English in high-school in a more structured form, I didn't need it so much. When the professor explained grammar, I could just hear in my mind the correct way a sentence should be! Although, I'm far from being perfect, but as a high-school student I did manage to get released from all my English classes, and get a perfect 100 on my final test... So, I think that watching TV can enrich us in more ways than we tend to think!!
I just made a friend in my finance class.
he is at least twice smarter than I. he could study 3 or four chapter in only one hour. and get the highest grade in the class. once he told me his EQ is in the top 1.5% of the population. as you daid, it is more than just knowledge.
I actually agree with most of this advice.
I only became an avid reader after high school, once the reading was less "required" I became more interested in finding my own books.
The one that most resonates with me is the idea of teaching others. Actually, I learn better when I teach other people. Even if I don't understand the information as well as I want or need to, the minute I begin to try and explain or teach someone else about it, I find out where my missing pieces are and how to fill in the gaps.
It's also easier for me to remember information when I've said it out loud or explained it.
I do feel like I have a problem with focusing in on one specific subject and mastering it. I have so many different interests that I end up learning each of them semi-well, but not mastering any of them. This is something that I've always wanted to change, but just wish I had more time and less interests!
I agree with the article. Reading will not only make you more knowledgeable but very likely will make you more intelligent as well. Unfortunately, the last time I read a book on my own was long ago. I don’t have much spare time, not even to watch TV; I’ve been missing all these “cool” TV series everyone talks about.
However, by coming to college we’re in the perfect environment to become more intelligent: we are in college to master one subject, but we are also required to read and to focus in classes that have nothing to do with our careers; we often have to study in groups and communicate by different means, and that will eventually lead us to explaining or teaching something to someone; and we are forced to think and “get into action” by doing homework and having hands-on activities. Therefore, I guess we are becoming more intelligent and well-rounded without even knowing it.
I agree with you, basiclly to become more intelligent, one has to learn, reason, understand and master many subjects. For me it doesn't matter if it is reading, listen, watching, talking or any other activities, as long as you can learn, reason, understand and master the subject, you have increased your intelligent.
I totally agree with all your steps. Reading is very important, but you have to know what to read. Not all books are good. There are a lot of "garbage" books, especially by new writers. These people are trying to make money and they don't care what they write about. There is only one good part about these books - you can learn how to spell the words. I used to read a lot, mostly classic literature. From these kind of books you really can learn a lot.
I think the step "Master one subject" is what really make you smarter. Nobody knows everything. Person who says that - doesn't know anything. I can use my experience. When I was in school I used to join a lot of clubs : Art, singing, photography, tennis, playing piano, etc. I was trying to learn everything but finished with nothing.
I love watching the Travel Channel because it give you knowledgeable information on food culture and people. Food is a form of perspective on the norms and culture of the individual and it's also entertaining.
Eating out in new places or different foods is also very good for activating different parts of the brain.
I've also read research from Dr.Ryuta Kawashima, the creator of Brain Age. If one keeps the brain in an activate state it is health for developing concentration and keeping the mind flexible and in good shape. Plus, the Brain Age game itself is just entertaining.
I agree on all steps. I really hope to be smarter. But I really find that I have no talent in learning any language including Chinese( I am a Chinese). When I was 9 years old, I started to learn English in a China's school; however, I was pretty weak in memorizing vocabulary. But at that time, I found I love math. I could memorize any math formula by watching it only one time.
I especially agree on 4th step. When I know I am good in math and logical thinking, I know more about myself. I know what major I should take. When I pretty know about something, I will also have interest in things around it.
But I dont like watching TV. Instead, I spend more time to read news and watch youtube.
There is a proverb: "A person Who has information --- owns the World"... And this is so true! To be intelligent nowadays is very important because we live in a very competitive world, so in order to reach success in life we have to be real leaders. I agree with You Professor on all steps that You have described.I agree with people who left their comments above that it is very difficult to find the time to read other literature besides classes. Personally, I am taking six classes, run in the Baruch's Cross country team and trying to keep up my GPA high, so there was a problem to find time for outside literature. What I did was: I have decided to read in the subways. Don't try to think that I haven't read in subways before!I did. But It was pretty much the textbooks. I have decided that I would read Newspapers. Because anyway you will read the texts assigned for the classes: You just HAVE to!:)
Teaching. From my own experience I made a conclusion for myself that You not only understand the subject which you teach better , but you also get so much enthusiasm and moral pleasure, that the people to whom you explain the material understand it , that at one moment I thought that I want to become a Professor oneday..You would probably ask what did I teach? Well, It is pretty interesting story. Back in Ukraine, in my University which I attended, I took advanced Math class. Because I was really proficient in that class our professor asked me to help the other students in understanding the course. So our professor made me her assistant.
TV.. well, when I first moved to US 2 years ago, I was watching everything: movies, tv-shows, interviews etc. I wanted to learn English faster. I was trying to listen everything: It's because I had a barrier to talk. I understood everything but I spoke a little.. So I would say that I had received so many benefits from different kinds of tv-shows. And it helped me a lot.
To conclude, I think It is very important and therefore VITAL: WHAT TO STUDY and WHO YOUR TEACHER IS. In my life I met many different professors and teachers, and I am proud that I met them. I am very happy that You , Professor, had decided to teach at Baruch! It Was A Pleasure For Me To Be In Your Class!
I think this blog can really motivate a person into being more intelligent. I agree with all the steps you mentioned.
Most of the time, people learn stuff from reading. I think books can give you more knowledge than a movie can because books have more explanations and can easily be understood.
Sometimes I don't know that I really know something until I teach that thing to someone else. Teaching a person something can really show that you know it, too.
Even though words can explain a lot, sometimes you have to experience it to really know what it is. When I was learning to cook, I wrote down all the steps and I thought it was pretty easy to follow it. But once I start cooking, I get confused and it turned out that I really didn't have a clue to what I was doing.
I think it takes a lot to master a subject. You will have to really put time and effort into it. Spending so much time and focus on one thing can really help me to learn something better.
Even though books has more explanations than movies, "a picture is worth a thousand words". Sometimes I don't understand something until I see it. I have to visualize it when the words confuse me.
Definitely, I will take the advice written on this blog. Many times, when I’m in social situations with new strangers, I find myself at a loss at what they’re discussing. Especially when they refer to literature and scholars who wrote this and that journal. I tend to avoid situations like these. Lots of people suggest that reading expands your vocabulary as well as makes you more articulate. For the past few years, most of the readings I’ve done were for class. Time to time, I would read magazines but even some magazines aren’t written in the most articulate way.
I completely agree how teaching others increases my capacity to reason. Many times before, I find myself tutoring friends and rarely doubting my knowledge. Actually, the more I tutored, the better I performed on that subject in class. Now if only that was the case for all my other classes. Haha
Our class covers subjects on how to be a good leader and how to work well as a team but when actually given that specific task to do, it’s actually more difficult than what you learn in the books. I believe that the more experience you gain when you lead, the easier it becomes later on. What we learn in class is merely a supplement of what leading and managing is.
Mastering one subject is a tough one especially with all the demands that society asks of us. This really requires the time and patience. Watching television does increase my knowledge especially when I watch informative channels.
This blog has motivated me to go out and seek more knowledge! Seriously, I’ve always known that reading would enhance my speech skills and my way of thinking but now that it’s written down and I’ve seen it in words with my own eyes, it makes me want to pursue that.
I agree on all ways you listed on how to become more intelligent. Doubtlessly reading is an essential part. Through reading you get knowledge. Unfortunately, like many of my peers, I don't often read books besides college textbooks, but when I have time I try to pick one and read. Usually it takes a long time to finish but I do not give up. I noticed that reading not only stretched your knowledge but enriched your language.
As for teaching I completely agree that it is more beneficial for a teacher than for a student. As far as I used to teach, every time I had to prepare for lessons so I mastered my subject by learning something new. But you cannot become a master without getting into action. You may have deep knowledge of subject but knowledge without implementation is nothing.
Once a week I watch educational programs on Discovery or History channels. I find them very captivating and informational. Yes, they make me well-rounded but they motivate reasoning as well.
The more intellectual you are the more interesting you are for the society.
I am in total agreement in the steps to become smarter. I can relate to most of the steps that were outline because of the following reasons;
1. Read and watch TV
I find that whenever time I real alot I feel more confident in socializing. One of the reasonings for this is that I am more verse with current affairs and I would not shy away from conversation. I am equip with the knowledge and this makes a good impression on your friends, co-worker and others. As recent as last year I was more of a dedicated reader and I could see significant improvement in my expressions and writting and communications skills and now I feel like I am loosing it.
2. Teach
Many might view this as teaching a class but for me I see it as opportunity to share what you know. It does not necessarily mean a classroom lecture. In my experience at school or work I find that whenever I am asked to share my kmowledge with others it also strenghten me. The fact of me wanting to share with others pushes me to research more before I share. So there is alway the on going thought of the more you give the more you get in return. Teaching and sharing your knowledge also benefits you too.
Reading is a good way to learn from others. But I read a lot of fictions, so it may be an entertainment rather than a way of learning.
I think being intelligent is a way of life. Reading books can create a genius, it can also create a nerd. Like you quoted, intelligence is not information alone, but also judgment. We have to positively read books, think over the ideas in the books, be selective, and absorb useful ideas. I think all of your suggestions about being intelligence can be summarized as one word “attitude”. If we have a positive attitude to learn, be willing to learn, then the person is already half way towards intelligence.
Honestly, all the things that I've just read were always part of my life. And I never thought of them as a consistent way to become smarter. I love to read books. However, it becomes harder and harder when you have dozens of your textbooks during school semester. But when the winter or summer breaks come I can't wait for a chance to read something for new knowledge and pleasure.
Also I know that some people think that I like to show off, but I just know some things that others don't and I like to share my knowledge with others. It helps you not only to reason. When you are able to explain something to other person and they get it, you truly know the subject you are talking about.
The other favorite thing of mine it's to watch TV. I love documentaries on Discovery, CNN, PBS or History channels. Sometimes in one hour you can find out tremendous amount of information that you never knew of.
I completely agree with the 5 ways to become more intelligent. When I think of the most intelligent people I know, they all share the some of the same qualities. They often read countless books, enjoy teaching others what they know, and live each day trying to master everything that interest them. I take these 5 ways as much needed advice because there is no limit to intelligence. There will always be something to master that you don't completely understand. I often find myself learning and trying to master things that interest me, but if I start putting these interest into action, it will definitely benefit me.
It is defiantly a interesting subject to talk about – intelligence. To start I want to say that being intelligent only can help – but that everybody knows. It helps to pick and choose what to do when not so well rounded person couldn’t react correctly. As far as reading it is not so simple just to sit down and read, but occasionally it happens that I will sit down and would read some blimps on internet; something that might interest me, yet will be somewhat entertaining. Teaching as you said is very beneficial, and I will completely agree on that one. It comes from some research that when you listen to something and try to learn it you would retain just about 10%, when you teach somebody though % would increase to 70%, amazing! Although it’s weird to talk to somebody who is on much more advance intelligence level, but what is there left for us? Getting more intelligent ourselves!!!!!
I honestly thought there was an air of hope when I saw "watch more TV" until you mentioned not "The Simpsons".
Regarding reading, I completely agree. I feel like it does "tenderize" my capacity to retain information. Practice listening and everything. With this in mind, I still "hate it when someone tries to force a book down my throat".
i personally do all these things already, but after reading it i was reminded of all of them again.
i also believe that in order to become more intelligent you should study facts. little facts that you wouldn't think could never help you with anything. if you know a ton of facts then you find your self refer to them sometimes in the middle of one of your conversations which makes you sound smarter.
Thank you for the helpful post on how to increase your intelligence! Now there are a plethora of ways that one may go about increasing their intelligence, such as the one's you have aforementioned like reading books(I do that a lot), teaching others, watching educational programs on tv instead of just watching a ball getting kicked around on the field! I might also include exercising, since it increases blood flow to the brain and throughout the body. And we know how much our brain loves blood(around 20% of all oxygen intake goes to the brain). And to sum it up with a truthful proverb about the brain "Use it, or lose it!"
Well I was certainly surprised that you said to watch more tv but it's true that watching the History Channel will increase ones intelligence. I was sick from school for a week and watched the history channel, by the time I came back to school I was an expert on WWII and if UFO's really exist (they kinda convinced me that they do). I really should read more, I've never been a big reader, I do a lot of reading on tech and car blogs but other than that I'm pretty lazy with that. I hope I can master the subject of technology my friends know me as the computer geek and I try my best to understand computers and the technology that comes with them.
I do agree that reading helps a lot to become smarter person. I have always though of brain as a muscle that needs to be exercised in order for it to be in good shape. Reading is one of the exercises that helps to keep the muscle in order. For small breaks when I stop reading, I do feel that I cannot formulate my thoughts as precise and clear, as when I have a book outside of school program to read.
Professor, I have always wanted to learn to secret to becoming smarter! Thank you!
The step that caught my attention was: to teach. Well, as a dance instructor, I definitely see how teaching helps you learn. It forces me to be critical about what exactly I do, how I do it, and gives me a full understanding of how to verbalize it all.
I agree the most with step 2. This year I was taking calculus, I put a lot of efford and time into this class and i understood every topic.
The way i used to review for the exams was by going to the sacc center before the exam and teaching my peers how to do certain problems. This way of reviewing made me feel more confortable when taking the exams and also it made me feel good that i was able to help my peers.
Definitely agree but the problem is that sometimes there is not enough time to do all of this steps. Plus i want to become smarted about things i don’t know. how to read and understand all this things if i find it so boring i cant force myself to read it, or learned it to teach it
This post is interesting and reminds me a lot about something Will Smith once said at the Kids Choice Awards a few years ago. He said something along these lines... that there are three ways to go about life. You must "read, write, and run." This is similar to your advice in that you mentioned reading. You mentioned getting into action... Will Smith meant it in the way you meant it and to actually be more physical. And you also meantioned mastering one subject, which entails being able to write about it.
What i thought was peculiar was that you mentioned watching more TV. Maybe that's why I haven't become more intelligent in the past year! I've stopped watching tv and now i think i may start again because you're right. TV these days isn't just about entertainment. It could actually be very insightful and educational.
In all honesty. I'd like to thank you for all the advice you've given us this semester and although it may seem as though I myself and maybe some other students don't appreciate you, we do! Don't stop what you're doing. You do a great job and I know your supervisors/that observer that came in wants you to start teaching us from from the textbook, but don't listen to them/him. Aside from your class teaching us about management, it taght us a great deal about life.
Thanks Professor. Keep up the good work! :)
Professor, I agree with everything you have listed. I thinking teaching others is a very important way of enhancing one's intelligence. I have noticed that when I help someone understand something for a test I always find out that I didn't understand the topic myself until I explained it to them. At the end I end up learning more than the person I was trying to help.
I think mastery in one subject is also very important. At the beginning of the semester I wasn't so sure if I should focus on a particular part of CIS or if I should take verity of different classes to diversify my knowledge about the subject. I have now decided that it’s best if I just focus on one thing for now.
Reading is something I really enjoy doing but will fall in and out of the routine of doing. I will read a few books in a short amount of time and then not pick a book up for a couple of months. It is so true, by setting aside a few hours you can learn what took someone else decades to learn.
I think all great teachers and professors are the ones who are open minded and welcome opposing thoughts and ideas. In turn, this is why they love to teach because they are introduced to opposing viewpoints and ideas discussed in their classes.
You have to be hands on in order to learn and in order to remember. I think this is what you have tried to show us in our class activities. Those who got involved and voiced their opinions probably walked away with the most from these exercises.
I respect my professors more when I see the passion and knowledge they have in their subject field. You need to have discipline in order to master one subject and I tip my hat to anyone who has the patience and perseverance to master a certain area of study.
There are a lot of great educational TV programs and I completely agree with your suggestions in #5. While there is a lot of junk on TV there certainly are alot of great programs that teach you while also providing entertainment.
I think teaching others has definitely made me smarter. When I was little I would constantly pretend that I am a teacher, which is funny but it has benefited me a lot. I found myself having better presentation and communication skills. In the 9th grade I went on to tutor younger children. I realized that although I was the one teaching, I was learning as well. I was learning from the children and their parents and I was learning the importance of obtaining and maintaining relationships with others. I had build many great ones in the 5 years that I tutored and all the parents would recommend me to others. Since I tutored various subjects, ones I sometimes didn't know too well, I would have to learn some things and prepare lesson plans before working with the children. This actually thought me so many things I had never known. It was definitely a great experience that had thought me so much. It surprised me each time when I found myself learning from children who were sometimes half my age!
Excellent points: Reading, teaching, understanding, mastering and observing -- all doubtlessly critical components of intelligence. I'd like to add that the study and enjoyment of the fine arts, particularly the classics, is also essential in developing a keen intellect. Don't just read, read the classics. Watch the great, thought provoking films, visit museums and special exhibitions, go to classical concerts and operas. These are "pre-screened" greats by the experts in their respective fields are given to us on a silver platter to investigate, study and enjoy...and hopefully grow from in the process!
Wow, these are really helpful tools to further your knowledge. I really wouldn't have guessed that television would be on the list, but it does make sense. It probably relates to the educated channels, not most of the rubbish that is on most of the time. It can definitely expand your horizon. In this day and age, it is absolutely essential that we diversify our knowledge as much as possible. Don't put all your eggs in one basket!!
"Learning by doing " : there is really only one way to learn how to do something and that is to do it.Knowledge that I gain through experience is the knowledge that I remember best. The practical knowledge is often more useful than theoretical knowledge when dealing with problems in everyday life. I can learn from the process itself. Even when I make mistakes, I can learn something from them. learning by doing allows me to make my own discoveries .
i know that im not required to comment this blog but i felt obliged to. and also not to mention that i was drawn in by the topic. i've personally experienced most of the things that are mentioned in this post. first of all, i love to read. I am often reading books and newspapers and just everything! i feel that it expands your vocabulary and gives you a much more broader view of the world. its like opening the box that is placed around you brain and just stretching its horizons. i have a passion for reading and i've noticed that when i read, not only do i improve my general knowledge and learn, i also get in a better mood, if i am really mad or angry. there have been alot of times when i come home, angry at someone or sad at a situation, and after an hour's reading, i am in a much better mood.
second, watching tv!! when i was in high school, i would watch tv but always informational channels like History channel or Discovery. I am also interested in history and just normal interesting facts about the world, like shows on discovery. i gained so much more knowledge about the current world and also learned a lot about history and the past. it is truly one of the best ways to make yourself smarter and it is also very interesting. not boring at all!!!
It was very predictable steps as becoming smarter. Reading etc..it is basic principle to learn.However, I was very impressive watching Television more often because I do watch tv to learn real live english. I learned many expression, and learned knowelge about american culture etc. Imagine you spent entire your childhood in your country. you came to U.S.A having no idea what U.S.A really is. All I can learn everything from TV. watching them, questioning them, ,google them, and finally got the answer. I agree the bonus idea "Watching TV more" as how to becme smarter.
Even though many people might agree with your tips, how many people actually follow them? As obvious as reading may sound, I cannot remember the last time I read a book out of my own personal willingness to read it, instead of just for school (that is due to time constraint and developing other interests). When I used to read a lot in high school, my wit increased and my vocabulary got better. As far as teaching goes, I feel like it forces you to explain something to someone in a different perspective than how you view it in your head. It's always easier to understand something yourself than to try and explain it to someone else.
I believe that it is important that to know about what is going on in the world. Reading newspapers, magazine allows you to be updated on all of this. Also you should further your knowledge in something that is of interest to you. For example, I hope to be in the real estate business as I finish school. I spend a ot of time trying to learn more about the business and the history of the business.
All of these are great ways of becoming smarter, however, if they can combine the first four some how and put it all in number five then I think I'd be smarter than a lot of people out there. I tend to watch television a lot, especially ESPN. This may be the reason I am good with sports.
I do agree with your points but one has to understand that reading itself is of coarse very beneficial; however, it is also very difficult to just engage in learning and getting information if one simply is not very interested in leaning. I just have to add that besides tv ( and tv is a very good source for learning, i learned a lot of english and even spanish by watching tv shows) video games can also be very educational. Of coarse some video games more than other. Teaching as my English professor said once is a best way to learn as well. I have noticed that when I am teaching someone how to do something it helps me as well to better understand some functions of it and how it works!
I agree that reading is extremely importance, it raises your vocabulary and enhances your general level of intelligence. Teaching others, and being taught by others is equally vital, because you can always learn more from people around you. "Make Moves" is a popular slogan amongst our generation, and it means exactly what it stands for, get into action and make things happen. Master what we do; and I couldn't agree with you more that TV will always be beneficial. Of Course too much of it will harm us, but too much of anything will. Television relaxes us, entertains us, and gives us new thoughts and opinions about life.
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