SO stop! It’s time to plug into something that YOU choose-something that can renew your batteries and refresh your interest in work AND life. Unlike the bobble-headed figures that nod “yes” at every touch, you DO get to declare “time out” and place yourself first.
How? Here are some ideas:
#1: Retreat in order to advance.
Take yourself away for at least two nights and three days to a place for a silent retreat. Yes-silence! Forbid yourself from using the phone, the television, or the internet. It’s time to listen instead to the voices in your head that have been trying to get your attention for ages. Write what you sense. Think on paper. And make resolutions that speak to what matters most.
#2: Experience something far a field from your profession.
Play chess or read a book that is NOT in your chosen line of work. Select something that piques your curiosity. The notion is to look for connections or ideas that might stimulate a new way of looking at your work or your life. Former elementary teacher Gail Wenos studied ventriloquism and discovered a new way to teach adults!
#3: Stretch yourself.
If you take an exercise class once a month, try going two more times. If you cook the same food the same way, alternate with a new cookbook. One guy I know saw himself as totally ill-equipped to ride anything that had less than four wheels. But he took motorcycle lessons and his sense of personal accomplishment grew.
#4: Practice your art every week.
Everyone has an art. It might be hammering nails or singing in the shower. It might be designing a garden or counseling a friend. But it uses a talent you’ve got and when this talent is engaged, you burn brightly. You leave the time refreshed. Put this down as a personal “no matter what” on your day timer.
#5: Throw out what weighs you down.
Read only those things that are meaningful to you. Can the clutter as well as the people who are the constant complainers and gripers. Ditch the weight of unnecessary purchases and their financial burden. Give clothes you haven’t worn in over a year to Goodwill . Remember, every ounce counts.
I feel like I've been on a roller couster ride this year. I've had a series of up and down events that always seem to re-occure regardless of how much I've tried to change my personal approach.
I therefore choose to "retreat in order to advance." I definately need my batteries recharged so that I can jump start the year 2010 with a new outlook on life. I'm thinking of retreating to any caribbean island that will allow me to relax and think about my new year resolution.
I regenerate my mind and body by leaving all thoughts behind and fully concentrating on an enjoyable activity. Handball allows me to be one with myself physically and mentally. Once I begin to play all I think about is my opponent and doing my best. Win or lose the match I still win my sense of tranquility and I'm able to gain experience in order to fine tune my technique later on. Plus, I like the endorphins.
I really needed to see this particular blog. This year has been hectic for me for alot of reasons and I definitely need to stop and revitalize. Since we are in the last month of the year, I am going to take these next couple of weeks to do some of the things you wrote about. When 2010 gets here I will be raring to go feeling refreshed with a new perspective :).
Refreshment; who doesn't need this. Of course, I would love to do all of these activities as stated by EBK. But where is the time to take three days to do absolutely nothing? And how can I throw all the junk away that I ties me down if that junk is tied to work, school, or the mundane tasks of life?
I supposed out of these five suggested steps, I would probably "practice my art" every week. My 'art' in this case would most likely be teaching myself languages. Ever since the fall semester has begun, I have barely had any time to even glance at my Korean or Japanese lessons, books, papers, sites, etc. I should make this a priority. Because, not to sound cocky, but I am good at it. And learning a couple new words and grammatical points at the end of my self-teaching sessions gives me a sense of accomplishment like nothing else does. I suppose in a sense, it is quite refreshing. Since I'm only taking four classes in the spring, I can keep to 'my art' much more often than I have been lately.
I would definitely like to do the things stated on this post, but simply have no time. I'm not sure if the ideas set in this blog are accomplish-able especially for people who has a hectic schedule (especially for college students). It's definitely in the back of my mind to have a break from all the crazy-ness that's going on (2 UNPAID internships and being a full time student, who's also a little behind on credit =/).
I find that once or twice a semester, I need to go into what I call "hermit mode." It's much like your point #1. I don't leave my house unless it's to go walk in a park or by the river, I don't check my phone or email, I don't do homework or study unless I absolutely have to, I just relax. Watch movies, read books, listen to music, anything to just get away for a while. It does wonders for rejuvenation.
I also believe that it's always essential to have side interests to escape to. While I love management and am dedicated to my school and work, I also love playing my viola, teaching myself Russian, and writing short stories. Mixing it up a little keeps me from getting bored and burned out. And it never hurts to try something new if all your old tricks start to get a little stale.
But, I think the most essential component is number 5. It's hard to be happy and relaxed when you're constantly worried about your credit card bill or surrounded by pessimistic people who bring down the mood wherever they go. A few adjustments to your routine, a few goodbyes to those miserable ones who love company, and you are well on your way to a much less stressful life ;)
It’s a difficult task to unplug yourself from the world. I must be able to access my various email account; that include work, school, and two personal emails. I once left my phone at home and my day was literally a mess. And yes my phone is everything to me; from videos to internet. No I do want to listen to the voice in my head and trust me you don’t want me to listening to those voices (joking). I do agree with write what you sense and thinking on paper it’s a excellent way to get organize and alleviate the stressors of life; everything always seems better on paper. I’m all up from new experiences, you always learn things about yourself you never knew. I was planning on scuba diving, the fact that I can’t swim will make it a more challenging experience. I might be able to get over my phobia and trauma of swimming by trying this new experience. Awesome tips!!!!
This blog realy had me thinking about how this semester I have been really stressed especially with school,my sorority and my home life. Which is how come I planned for a weekend this January to have a retreat in the poconos to just relax and clear my mind from all the stress going.
Im going to just relax and try something new like snowboarding. I feel like this would be a good way to start the new semester being more calm and happy.
I definitely feel like I need to follow the first idea, “retreat in order to advance” to get some piece of mind and be ready for another hectic year ahead. I think everyone gets so caught up in their work and school that it’s hard to think about yourself only. Following this idea can be very beneficial because a refreshed mind can give birth to many new and great ideas. I would definitely consider retreating myself from everything and simply giving thought to what matters most.
I think living in a society like this everyone become exhausted sometimes and needs to take off and really find something that would reinterest them in work and life. I use to work extremely hard on school and work then all of a sudden I got so frustrated in school and work. I went to a state of depression for a couple of months and it is agonizing. Then I decided to quit all my jobs and just focus on school, but it didn't help much and I was still depressed. Another reason is because I am getting bold because of all the stress. I pondered for the meaning of life, but didn't find a answer. At the end I just decided to stop thinking so much and do more excercise. It didn't seem to work much at the beginning, but as time goes on I become more calm and eventually I recovered even though not completely. I am still stree over my hair loss ocassionally, but I have learned acceptance. Nothing personally professor, but I see you are bold too, but I see that you are very happy everyday. I was wondering how did you overcame that obstacle???Because If my hair doesn't grow back I need to learn how to live happily instead of stress about it all the time.
Back to your blog entry I think you posted a few very innovative suggestion for people to regain energy and interest toward work and life. I would choose excercise more because when you excercise you brain produce more endorphin which is a chemical substance that makes people happy.
Run in the morning and then take a hot shower really refresh you physically and mentally. Also I think retreat to a silent place is also a good idea and maybe I would take the winter break to go somewhere and really forget about all the things in life. Many times I wish I wasn't in a society where people are always busy and strive for success. I want to be in a place where it's peaceful and simply and I think I would be much happier.
Can I just say that you are absolutely right? I just returned from a much needed weekend in Miami Beach and I feel that my batteries have been recharged. Why? Because I did absolutely nothing. I let important phone calls go unanswered, watched no tv, woke up late and went to bed at a decent hour for once! I have also started some new training in gymanstics at the gym, which I used to do 15 years ago as a kid and I feel like a new person. Professor, this is some excellent advice and I suggest all you readers start thinking about "you", because as a fellow New Yorker, we get caught up in our ambitions and responsibilities and Lord knows that we have a lot of them. But guess what? Those same priorities are still going to be there when you return from "you-land". Cheers.
There are many things that I would love to do and if I had to recharge, I would definitely love to try something new. There are so many times when I see someone and I think "Wow, I would love to do that." Actually, I think doing something new should count as doing something new for me too ^o^
I wish I could implement most of these tips, but especially the one involving a vacation.... I had a really stressed year! I was working like crazy, I was studying a lot, I was very stressed because of personal issues, etc. I think that in most cases, things would be different if I knew how to be more easy-going about them. I tend to be worried because of small things in my life and everyone (including me!!) think I should just relax... I try to think positive and calm myself, but my stubborn personality keeps on surfacing... This semester has been the hardest semester I had since I started school, and I can finally see the end and it's so close... After all, if I look back at my year in reasonable eyes, It was also a great year! I'm a senior and almost graduating, I learned a lot about my self, I got engaged... So things are not that bad! I think we should all take a pause every now and than and truly give in to silence, relaxation and calmness. We often forget that we are only people and that we might just not be perfect...After all, who really is????
I feel like your # 1 idea Retreat in order to advance is something I need to do. Its never been a time that I spent my moment and time alone to recover my self.
I think the picture you chose for this entry of silence near the beach made me think about taking myself somewhere of silence.
"Retreat in order to advance"
I feel everybody could use some of this especially if we live in such a fast paced city such as New York. Sometimes we just need to get away from the things that flood our everyday lives. Something as simple as a two day get away from all this clutter in our lives does help refresh us. It's great to be able to escape from reality sometimes and just do absolutely nothing but RELAX.
"Throw out things that weigh you down"
I'm always looking for ways to remove clutter in my life. I tend to buy a lot of things, sometimes useless things that I end up having no use for. However, I do try to donate the clothes and shoes I don't wear anymore to goodwill. Sometimes simplicity is best.
Those are the two advices I would agree on. They are advices I should try to improve upon for the upcoming new year. Thanks for a great semster Prof. K!
After reading this blog, I am think to increase the frequency of my weekly excercises. Actually I was practice my art like singing in the shower, but when I doing it my intension is not to reduce stress or anything, because I just feel like it. Now I realize it helps refresh myself, which is good lol..
I really like all of your tips and have at one point or another this year have wanted to do each. I think at this point a vacation is on my mind. Since Baruch is not offering any winter class that I can take, I was going to take a week off and go to Ialy since I have been studying Italian for the past 2 semesters. I am having a problem with my vacation time at work so I am not sure if I will be able to do that but at this point I would even take a weekend get-away to Atlantic City. I really haven't had time to sit down, think and get things on paper. I think I will have to do that because seeing things on paper really helps me get things into perspective. I have really wanted to get to the gym because excercise gives me a boost of energy and alleviates stress. I think they created the term "Spring cleaning" just so you can get rid of things that have no purpose in your life and I definately need to go through some things both at home and also in the office. All of these options are good and I think trying all of them will not hurt one bit.
I am more than overwhelmed with everything going on my life. School started for me June 1st and I am still going full force. Between summer, fall, winter and spring sessions, I will have altogether 4 weeks of vacation from school however, work still continues so that means I will really have no vacation UNTIL MAY 30 when GRADUATION ARRIVE. So the question remain how do I refresh myself with this hectic schedule:
Every chance I get out of work or school I retreat in order to advance. Remember getting away from everything is complicated in my life since i am in school full time and working full time so the days I don’t have to do both, I turn the phone off and sleep. This takes my mind off FINANCIAL STATEMENTS and BANK OF AMERICA. I'm hoping since my vacation starts December 23rd to January 4th, meaning neither school nor work, I will return back to winter session classes fully RECHARGED.
What really renews my battery is running! It is the activity which helps me to stay with my thoughts alone. It helps me to recharge. First of all it helps to relieve the stress and negative emotions. Sometimes when I don't know the answer for particular question it helps me to come up with some solutions. It makes me stronger and more optimistic.
Another experience which I got is going to Crimean Mountains which are located in the Black sea, Ukraine. I would say this adventure will stay in my mind forever (like this CLASS- very educative)! I went to explore the mountains with a group of 7 people. This was a really different from NYC life. We lived in the caves, slept in sleeping bags, cooked frogs and mushrooms, drank tea from diffirent types of grass and leaves, swimmed in waterfalls(the temperature of the water is usually not more than 40 degrees F). We explored caves. I visited 6 of them. One of the caves was 25 meters in depth. We went down with all our equipment. Our instructor usually stayed outside in order to help us to go back. It is pretty scary momment. As one knows - there is no light there so we had to take our own. LOL. It is fascinating momment in your life. Also there is a believe that each cave has its own spirit. And therefore these spirits don't like when you touch something or take something with you. Who knows what this spirit can do to you if you breach this rule...noone wants to stay there forever. LOL..After getting outside I felt like I wanted to shout and scream. So I did. Nobody heard me except my group and trees- we were on 1,500-1,700 meters above the sea. I felt like I have born again. Such kind of feeling you will only get experiencing extreme ways of life. So I can proudly say that non-ordinary activities in life help to understand yourself better.!
Sometimes when you feel tired from life and exausted= you don't need to go far like Crimean Mountains! You can just go to Long Island and jump from the plain. I mean SKYDIVING:) I garantee You- You will definitely feel relieved. thats what I did:)
After stressing myself out, I need time alone to do what I really want to do. Sometimes I use the computer, take a nap, or simply read something interesting to me.
I don't think any of the ideas you listed fit my category. But if I had to choose one, it would probably be to retreat in order to advance. I wouldn't want to be totally alone and away, but maybe just stay in a room by myself and think to myself for a few minutes.
I'll go with idea #1. In the technology age, it is almost impossible to retreat from modern society. Its kind of hard for many people to go without a computer and without a TV for 3 days, but I have done it before so I know I can do it again. Unfortunately, I won't be retreating very far but that does not matter. What matters is your state of mind. I usually plan on doing meaningful things during winter break, but there are simply too many technological distractions that prevent me from doing anything productive. My three day silent retreat will be after new years, and hopefully I can get school and also any obligations out of my mind for the rest of winter break (i wish this was actually possible).
After reading this blog, you really had me thinking--"Maggie, when do you ever make time for yourself?" and the answer is: barely ever! Where is the time? It's not easy being a full time college student, working, and having to attend to personal responsibilities you have back at home. But once this semester is over, I'm going to take a personal retreat and head off to Buenos Aires, Argentina for a month and literally spend alone time (1st time traveling with no parents or friends). While I'm down there I will be able to focus on a hobby of mine that Ihaven't really been able to keep up with this semester, which is dancing Tango. When I dance tango, I dont think about a care in the world and I'm at peace (thats of course if I have a good guy leading the steps appropriately lol). Great blog Prof!
This Blog makes me think how I this semester went so fast. Taking five classes and working (even part time is working too!) is not easy.. I can't wait to this semester over, but at the same time I am very proud of myself how I acomplished well. I am going to take a enough break for more than a month at my home country, and I will be back with full of energy for spring semester!!
Getting away from everything for a few days definitely works. That is what I like to do when I feel overwhelmed, however this is not always possible since work, school and other duties are constantly present.
Painting is an art that I find quite relaxing but I have not done this in years. Last semester I took a photography class that was very interesting and helped me escape somewhat from the routine, but I could not fully enjoy it because it was time consuming and other responsibilities were always calling.
Relaxing and giving quality time to yourself should be a priority, but in a hectic city like New York, that is not something easy to achieve.
The most effective way to refresh my mind and my body is to escape to the nature. At least once a year (sometimes more often) we go to Catskill Mountains and retreat ourselves from everything (we do not watch TV nor use computer or cell phones). It depends on the season of the year what we prefer to do. If it is summer I love to sit in silence and watch the nature, swim in a rapid mountain river and go hiking . In winter I love to sit at fireplace and read an interesting book or I really enjoy to play snowballs with my kid or go tubing. All that boosts my energy and calms my mind, I feel recharched. Close unity with nature is my addiction. It cannot be too much for me.
Exercising is another way to refresh my body and bring peace to my mind. I would exercise more often if I could but my hectic life does not give me spare time for that though it is an exellent stress relieving tool in the city environment.
I hope that coming holiday season will bring all of us new positive emotions leading to our advancement and selfsatisfaction.
This semester seems to be the most hectic semester ever!!
I’d love to take myself away and leave all types of technology at home. However, I think that would get very boring for me after a while since we’ve became so dependent on our gadgets. Technology has taken away so much substance of the human social life. There’s no more personal emotions being expressed anymore. Our generation relies too heavily on our gadgets to communicate. It does make me sad in a way, but for some reason, we’re all wired to believe that communicating through texting and “instant messaging” are the most efficient and quickest way to get through to someone. What happened to those days where people use to write love letters to eachother? Now, they type it in emails and use these dorky emoticons.
Exercise has been proven to energize you and help you feel healthier as a whole. I should push myself to run more on the treadmill… I love singing in the shower!!!! That’s something I will never stop doing, unless my mom tells me that I’m not on American Idol. That would be discouraging. I will continue to sing and try to memorize lyrics that I don’t understand such as Korean lyrics!!! Korean songs have been very attractive to my taste lately.
I’d love to throw out what weighs me down but I also have so many obligations that running away isn’t really the most feasible thing at the moment. When I get stressed out and problems arise, I’d love to turn the other way, but there are just so many expectations of myself that makes it impossible for me to escape. What I need is a better plan to handle my situations.
This winterbreak, I would try my best to relax and peacefully approach all the problems that exist in my life right now. I wish to find the art of no schooling and just go along with anything that comes my way.
Since 2010 is coming, this blog makes me think about what I've done in past ten years, and one word to summerize these ten years is "school".
I never give myself a true pause, a pause that makes me isolated and think over my life in a general way. Your suggestions are really helpful. I also think this kind of "pause" is a way of creative planning in management.
The end of the year was a perfect time to find and read this Blog entry. Last month of this school semester with its due dates and finals gets me crazy. I really feel that I just need to stop and just breeze. Though everything stated in "The Pause that Refreshes" seems like a perfect plan, it's very difficult to do it all. But I will definitely find at least one day to relax without internet, email, Iphone and etc. I'll do what I think I am good at - taking photographs. I'll probably just escape somewhere I've never been before and spend all day on my own. It will help me to relax and regenerate for a new crazy year.
I find it very difficult to make time for these adjustments to 'refresh' myself. Not that I wouldn't absolutely love it, to go to the gym more often, have some me-time every now and then, or practice an art i want to excel in.
This definitely helps me in figuring out what my new year's resolution will be for 2010. And since we start the new year with a little break from classes, maybe I will begin the year with something a little more refreshing.
Dear Professor
To my opinion, the last option “throw out what weighs you down” is an essential for the beginning of a better life. A person who keeps unpleasant memories, likes to feel remorse, and surrounds himself with the worn out things - has a great danger to be buried in a pile of garbage. Actually I remember a living creature which was buried under the things that seemed important to her. It was a turtle in the movie “Labyrinth” with David Bowie. The movie where everything seemed possible and nothing was what it seemed. The huge turtle carried not only her house but the furniture, the toys from her childhood and all the garbage that she used to find on her way……until that heavy burden made her unable to move… If we want to move, we must think what makes us unable from reaching our goals otherwise we may turn into that turtle.
Hah it’s funny that you are wiring note on such subject; just like you would be reading my mind. I can’t wait till all the exam madness will be over and I would be left well, work, but art least I would run around on 24/7 schedule. Personal time has no room in my planner and I wish it did, at least not during WORK week. All the advices that you give are very nice and I do try to apply them in everyday life, but sometimes it’s harder that it seems; salvation army doesn’t want any clothes to be brought, at least one in my neighborhood. As you see even tough you might want to change something about your life it is not so easy; I feel like its longer process than just making commitments for change
I definitely need a "Pause that Refreshes." I honestly need a vacation really soon where I could retreat and become energized after finals week, or at least before the spring semester. This semester has been overwhelming since I've "stretched myself" studying far more than I've ever had. Even though I'm not complaining about the grades I have earned, I just need that time for myself. Especially going to a city college like Baruch, I need that break from the trains and noise that coexist with the city's ambiance. I love our city, but time off is essential.
where is the closest Goodwill?
I've actually tried all the methods but none of them actually worked for me. Yes, everything stopped around me, but what's going on in my head wouldn't stop POUNDING!
"think happy thoughts...think happy thoughts..." that doesn't work either.
Breathing...heavy sighs is the best I can do
i need to refresh my mind! and i wishhhhh that i had 3 days to take off and go somewhere and turn of my blackberry and not have to deal with everything that is going on.
i live the life of a dj and work at night time.
i takes me to many places, and different states, such as boston, washington, miami, vegas.. but its not a vacation, its really work!
so i would love to take a vacation and not have 1 thing on my mind but its hard to do.
i my phone is another story. my friends have a joke on me that my phone is my girlfriend. when i sleep at night my phone is being charged on the bed right next to me.
if im not with my phone for 1 hour, my life stops!!!
hopefully when this semester is done, and im not taking 18 credits and working till 5am 4 nights a week i will be able to go on a vacation with nothing but my clear mind!
The end of the semester sure puts a lot of pressure on everyone and this blog post has given me some helpful hints in trying to relax and bring some balance back into my life. I found that exercising daily has done so much for me mentally, a run in the morning really get the blood flowing and makes me ready for the day. I guess my art is helping my friends through problems and I certainly do that all the time, it really feels fulfilling and helps me get stable. I want to get rid of the problems in my life that weigh me down, but I am nervous as to what the outcome will be so those actions will be meaning I'm nervous if I dump a friend of mine that has been a weight on me, if that will make me happy.
I come from a country in which time goes by a lot slower, days feel much longer and stress levels are much lower. The reason why it is like that, is because people in colombia make time to do the things that make them happy. Everyone here is too atached to work and money, some people work 2 or more jobs leaving no time to enjoy life.
the thing that does it for me is going on vacation, thats why in december 31 im going to china, and forget about all the stress from New York.
I come from a country in which time goes by a lot slower, days feel much longer and stress levels are much lower. The reason why it is like that, is because people in colombia make time to do the things that make them happy. Everyone here is too atached to work and money, some people work 2 or more jobs leaving no time to enjoy life.
the thing that does it for me is going on vacation, thats why in december 31 im going to china, and forget about all the stress from New York.
what can i say? if taking a break was so easy i would've done it a lot time a go... i think the ideas of goin to a place and just be quite and alone is a very good one but is not always posible. for some reason even though i know is a good idea i cant see myself taking a vacation alone and goin away by my self
Very helpful tips. Having more time for yourself can definitely increase your motivation to work in the future. We all need to retreat from the world in once a while.
Hi Professor,
I am definitely overwhelmed right now. This semester took away every bit free time I'm used to enjoying. So much stress has build up from work, school and family that if I don't retreat soon my head will definitely explode.
I've been making a sketchy retreat plan my self which includes some of the things you mentions but not all.
#1. Silent Retreat
At first I was thinking of taking a week off and go to Florida and have a real vacation. But then I thought about it and it wudn’t really get my mind off of things like I want it to. So I decided that I will take a weekend off and head to Virginia. I would like to leave my cell phone behind but I don’t think I can live without it.
#2: Experience something far a field from your profession.
I have to think of something. I never even thought about this.
#3: Stretch yourself.
I have already started doing this. I used to go to the gym once a week or even less. Now I made myself a routine and go at least 6 days a week.
#4: Practice your art every week.
I know I have my art just don’t know what it is. I guess Ill have to spend some time figuring this out.
#5: Throw out what weighs you down.
Currently I have too many extra wrights that are mentally slowing me down. I have too many distractions around me and I need get around them. Just don’t know how.
After the finals I will think about these things in more details and hopefully get a chance to recharge my battery.
I think I am going to print this blog out and put it next to my mirror; that way, every morning I will look at these ideas and remind myself what life is really all about. With work, school and all the other day to day obligations of life it is too easy to get into a routine. Although a routine provides for comfort and stability that is necessary to lead a successful and healthy life it can lead you to feeling overwhelmed, like your blog suggests.
With the fall semester coming to a close I am looking for a way to renew my batteries and refresh my interests. Your ideas are great and I would like to comment on each, writing about what ideas and thoughts they stirred up for me.
#1: Retreat in order to advance:
Silence is truly golden and I think it is a good idea to forbid, or at least limit oneself from using the phone, watching TV or going on the internet. Everyone is so consumed with all these things and having them accessible at all times that it truly has gotten out of hand! I am 21 years old and I do remember a time when no one had a cell phone or access to the internet. While these things make life easier, I think people have forgotten that these things are not necessities. I almost feel sorry for the next generation of kids who are not going to know a world without cell phones or the internet. It was a simpler time that is gone for good. It is crazy to think that I am part of the generation to know a world without them.
#2 & #3: Experience something far away from your profession & Stretch yourself.
If everything goes according to plan I will be graduating at the end of the upcoming spring semester, June 2010. Although I am almost at the finish line I am still unsure of what it is I want to do once I graduate. Now more than ever it is important for me to try and do things that pique my curiosity in order to stimulate a new way of looking at my life. I am currently on the internship search and think that I am to take your advance given in ideas #2 & #3by looking for something that is not specifically in my chosen line of study. I’ll never know unless I try and there is no time like the present in order to do so.
#4: Practice your art every week.
To quote from A Bronx Tale, “There’s nothing sadder than wasted talent.” And so I agree that practicing your art should be put down as a personal “no matter what” on my list of things to do each day.
#5: Throw out what weighs you down.
Negativity can be contagious and so I agree with what you have to say about canning the clutter as well as people who are constant complainers and gripers.
Thank you for ideas and for a great semester!
I think I am going to print this blog out and put it next to my mirror; that way, every morning I will look at these ideas and remind myself what life is really all about. With work, school and all the other day to day obligations of life it is too easy to get into a routine. Although a routine provides for comfort and stability that is necessary to lead a successful and healthy life it can lead you to feeling overwhelmed, like your blog suggests.
With the fall semester coming to a close I am looking for a way to renew my batteries and refresh my interests. Your ideas are great and I would like to comment on each, writing about what ideas and thoughts they stirred up for me.
#1: Retreat in order to advance:
Silence is truly golden and I think it is a good idea to forbid, or at least limit oneself from using the phone, watching TV or going on the internet. Everyone is so consumed with all these things and having them accessible at all times that it truly has gotten out of hand! I am 21 years old and I do remember a time when no one had a cell phone or access to the internet. While these things make life easier, I think people have forgotten that these things are not necessities. I almost feel sorry for the next generation of kids who are not going to know a world without cell phones or the internet. It was a simpler time that is gone for good. It is crazy to think that I am part of the generation to know a world without them.
#2 & #3: Experience something far away from your profession & Stretch yourself.
If everything goes according to plan I will be graduating at the end of the upcoming spring semester, June 2010. Although I am almost at the finish line I am still unsure of what it is I want to do once I graduate. Now more than ever it is important for me to try and do things that pique my curiosity in order to stimulate a new way of looking at my life. I am currently on the internship search and think that I am to take your advance given in ideas #2 & #3by looking for something that is not specifically in my chosen line of study. I’ll never know unless I try and there is no time like the present in order to do so.
#4: Practice your art every week.
To quote from A Bronx Tale, “There’s nothing sadder than wasted talent.” And so I agree that practicing your art should be put down as a personal “no matter what” on my list of things to do each day.
#5: Throw out what weighs you down.
Negativity can be contagious and so I agree with what you have to say about canning the clutter as well as people who are constant complainers and gripers.
Thank you for ideas and for a great semester!
All very inspiring suggestions -- I would love to take a 3-day "time out" from my life, or go back to painting (a great hobby of mine) -- stress relief is critical to a healthy life. I've read several medical articles stating that our stress levels are directly related to our physical health. So, for the sake of my well-being, I'm planning on taking a long, relaxing weekend off as soon as this semester ends!
I love to practice my art. I'm not much of an artist, but I'm working on it. I love painting whenever I'm free. I've never had art lessons, but I choose to learn it myself!
wow all of these are very helpful to one's personal life. it always helps to just remove yourself from your normal life style or system and do something else, something different. it really helps you out and refreshes your mind, or as you said, charge your batteries. we all need that once in a while, when life gets too much for us. i know one option that really works for me is reading a book. be it tom clancy, an action thriller, or a lawyer type book by john grisham. just any books that gets me really involved.. whenever i read a book, i feel like im leaving my current life and getting sucked into an adventure that i never would have had or never experienced. for that time when im reading, i feel like i've left my body and im off doing other wonderful things. so when i finally put the book down, i feel so refreshed that its wonderful!!
Those are very good tips that I would take into consideration. Sometimes you need to retreat from life's stresses. I feel that working out really helps clear the mind. Exercising is definitely a release. It also gives you the self-confidence you need to continue.
sometimes, I reliazed how I addicted these techonogoies we're doing for example internet or cell phone. I usually spent time in Island for weekend which didn't provide those technologies. I literally being panic or anxious about what I'm missing. I think people are afraid of pausing their life even in moment. Especially, Newyorkers,they seem to be rush all the time. It's so different to compare other cities. I know world or our society will be fine without my existence. but I'm pretending like they need me. I'm important part of it. but maybe I will pause myself from what I used to be in this summer
just reading this alone is refreshing. i wish i had some extra time to focus on me. i have been sooooo busy this semester. school...work...my two daughters... i always feel like there i not enough time in a day for the things i have to do. i think i will consider a weekend trip to get away and refresh. i deserve it.
I agree with all of your tips, except I somewhat have a problem with the first one. You said to go away on a retreat for one or two nights in order to truly find out what you are thinking. I feel as though many people already know what they need to do but choose not to do it, pushing their wants in front of their needs. I personally in certain situations know what I SHOULD do but instead choose to do the complete opposite and learn from my mistakes that way. But looking at it from a different perspective (your perspective), I might be doing that out of impulsive, so maybe I should take some time out before making any decisions.
I think the idea here explain that one step back today for two steps forward tomorrow. It is the wisdom. I like the idea at this essay. Some idea like “Take yourself away for at least two nights and three days to a place for a silent retreat” it is very cool. It is hard to image live without phone, television, or internet. I will try it.
I often feel completely overwhelmed and wish I could have some time to myself. The longer I go without taking a break, the more anxious and obnoxious I get (as you might be able to tell from my blog and comments). I'll be a senior next semester and feel like I have to work as hard as possible in order to get that dream job. This summer I'll start my internship the day after my last final and work till the day before the first day of class in the fall. I can already tell that it's going to be a very hectic time. My favorite strategy to cope with all the stress is to go on a little trip at least once a month. Going to different places enables me to calm down and see things from a different perspective.
I have been pulled in too many directions lately and I have not found a way to successfully apply myself with determination and concentration. I am a firm believer (and I preach this to my family and co-workers all the time) that people should take vacation at least once a year. People in USA work so much that they forgot to relax and take time out for themselves. So many times I hear people: When I am off from work, I do not know what to do with myself, I get bored. ????? Really, you do not like to sleep extra, go out places you have not visited. Spend time with your family? Play soccer or tennis.
Retreat in order to advance.
Your brain needs a break - brain is a muscle, the most important one, do not over stretch it.
Experiencing something new and out of your comfort zone - is very important for your personal growth, you are soooo right. The repetition in our lives and lack of brain use to learn, adopt, and understand new ideas holds us back from growing and becoming open-minded and creative. Experience and Stretch yourself, it will help us all to be more humane to others and gain better knowledge about our true selves.
These are all things we want to do but seem to never have time for. Living in New York, people tend to lead a very fast paced lifestyle with little or no leisure time. It seems like you have to think about school and work 24 hours a day in order to have a competitive edge or you get left behind. This is the reason why most people find themselves neglecting their mental nourishment and relaxation. For me, I always say I want to do these things but right now I don't have time. I'll do it after I finish school. Then I realized that after I finish school, I'm going to spend another two years doing my masters and another 3 to 4 years doing my PhD; so when will I get around to taking care of myself? Perhaps it is a better idea to incorporate these things into your life, and it's okay to take things a little slower. In the long run, it will only make you do a better job and accomplish your goals to your best ability as opposed to rushing just to get them done. After all it's about the journey just as much as it is about getting to the destination.
Oddly enough, reading through this list, I can safely say I know I should be doing each and every one of these points though I find myself nearing the point of working myself into oblivion and insanity. I've struggled with getting schoolwork or regular work done when my mind is clouded up with thoughts that are so completely off-subject that I should be able to push them away and focus on what needs to be done but I let them get the best of me. It's like that quote or song-lyric, "You got the best of me and left me with all the rest" - that's the relationship I have with everything going on in my head more than 95% of the time that I'm trying to actually move forth with obligations. I seem to think I'm superwoman and that trying to do a bazillion things at once is practical especially when I have plenty on my mind that I should just take a step back (retreat) and compose myself before getting back into the work-game.
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